New Sage Mode!?

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Jackson POV
So here I am, moving with team Ruby trying to look for some materials.

"So you're telling me you,didn't leave on purpose" Weiss said as we passed through a market stall.

"Yeah..I was forced by that Guy with weird eyes" I said trying to shift the blame to the Rinnegan user at the docks.

"Well sorry for dou-" Weiss said but she was interrupted by her scroll buzzing.

She quickly opened her scroll to see a call from professor Ozpin.

"Good morning professor" Weiss said trying to hide her shock of him calling her in the first place.

'If professor Ozpin called her on a scroll then it must be urgent' Blake thought as she stared intensely at the scroll.

"What does the professor want" Ruby said as she tried to snatch the scroll from Weiss.

"Yes...he's here" Weiss said as she dodged Ruby effortlessly.

"This reminds me of a mouse vs a ballerina" I whispered to Yang as she laughed.

"Yeah you can say this is Yang-erribile" Yang said as there was a pindrop of silence, everybody stopped moving.

"Noo" Ruby said as she used this distraction to snatch the scroll from Weiss as Weiss grew an anime vein.

"Now what is it.." Ruby said as she realised she mistakenly ended the call while snatching the scroll.

Ruby was grumbling how Yang's pun caused this calamity while Yang was laughing her head off.

"Professor Ozpin assigned you to a mission" Weiss said as she gestured to me.

"Me.." I said as I had no clue while they would want me when I am not 100% trustworthy and I literally just came back yesterday.

Talk about an overwork.

"Yes,he said that only you can fix the problem" Weiss said as she quickly collected her scroll from ruby who was still grumbling.

Then she clicked some buttons on her scroll and handed me it.

I immediately turned it so I could look at it then I saw a picture,not any picture but a familiar one.

Black unkept hair,black scary grimm mask ,dressed in a black jacket and black jeans under a giant zipped black coat and of course those recognizable Rinnegan shinning through the mask.

"The bountyhunter" I said as Weiss nodded.

"Turns out he wasn't a member of the white fang as he has been attacking their bases recently" Weiss said with a tone of urgent seriousness.

"And he just showed up round the block,rumors say he's looking for you" Weiss said as I raised an eyebrow.

"Rumors?" I questioned as Weiss just stared at me.

"Beaten up white fang members found on ally ways nearly dead" Weiss said as she collected her scroll back.

"But now it seems he's coming for you and by reports he seems to have numerous semblances" Weiss said as Ruby cocked her head to the side.

"Numerous Semblances?...that's impossible" Ruby said as Blake flinched while yang looked shocked.

"I thought so to since it does sound far fetched but I doubt the professor would have called us for a ruse"Weiss explained.

" then that means the enemy is already here" Blake said as Weiss nodded.

"We might not have information on all the semb-" Weiss said but I caught her off.

"I know" I said as they all stared at me.

"Well what where you expecting I did fight the guy" I shrugged off their glazes but Blake still looked suspicious.

"His semblances are Attraction and Repulsion(Deva),Weapon making or body enhancement(Preta),He can summon Huge beasts(Animal),last time I checked he had a truthseeker which cuts off your tongue if you lie(Nekra),he can steal souls(Human) and lastly he can absorb energy,oh and he can make black Aura sucking rods from existence" I said right off the top as I'm sure they thought I'd lost it.

What can I say I love Naruto.

"That's impossible.." Blake murmured but I was able to hear her.

"Believe it or not I'm going to fight him" I said as I sighed and started moving away from Team Ruby.

"No...our mission is to protect you" Weiss said as she pulled out her rapier.

"Yeah well consider today a day off" I said as I tapped my new skill.


I used it to make myself slowly fade away from their vision.

"Huh" Blake said as she remembered what happened in their last fight.

"Guys his semblance is teleport" Blake warned her team as yang tried to touch me but her hand moved through me like I was a blur.


After disappearing from team Ruby I appeared on a rooftop.

Perfect...note sarcasm.

As I squat down to meditate for <Sage mode> to track the rinnegan user's energy, I heard a familiar voice.

'No Need' Infinity said as I was suddenly in my mindscape.

It looked like a dark abyss except two red eyes in the shadow.

Then it lighted up and I was met with Infinity looking at me.

"When your <Aura> clashed with my draconic energy you turned both of them into sage energy" Infinity said as I nodded.

"I was able to use the sage energy in your body to transfer my energy into sage energy" Infinity said as his red eyes gleamed with excitement.

"And since sage energy goes we with your Aura I can combine and unify the two energies into sage energy....,a special kind of sage energy which retains it's natural form but also retains the power of the energy added" Infinity said as I was getting lost.

"Meaning if I meditate for <sage mode> all I need to do is to integrate my sage draconic energy into your Aura giving you the <sage mode> variation you saw before" Infinity finished.

"So instead of my sage energy getting used I will be using yours while retaining the power of your draconic energy" I said as infinity smirked.

"Exactly but I have something to teach you before the fight with Nekon" Infinity said grimly.

"Nekon..who's Nekon" I said as Infinity tone darkened.

"Nekon was one of my past hosts" Infinity began as his brows furrowed with anger.

"He was able to use my power of manipulating reality to go to another dimension by warping" Infinity said as I was only cool because of <Gamer's Mind> .

"Then he stole a Rinnegan eye" Infinity said as he looked below.

Nekon is the Rinnegan User.

"From who" I manage to choke out.

"From the maker of the system...." Infinity said but he didn't finish his sentence.

Now I was shell shocked, the maker of the system.

"By tricking him though the maker of the system managed to collect one Rinnegan away from him. before Nekon logged out" Infinity said as I realised what was coming next.

"Yes Nekon...was the former Gamer"

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