The Real Battle

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I wasted no time as I used <Teleportation> to appear in front of Naruto and grab him in the neck.

I Dashed with Tremendous speeds still holding him by the Neck as I ram him back first to a boulder.

<2,000 Damage done to opponent>

I could see Sakura coming close to me so I made a <Mana shield> and Embodied it with Fire using <Flame Manipulation> .

But Sakura punched it anyway making a large gust of wind shattering the <Mana(Fire) Shield> and pushing her fist forward at me.

Thankfully I Anticipated that.

I raise my Left Leg up and try to deliver her a kick unfortunately it lands on her hand.

But I tipped her fist the right direction making her lose balance as she mistakingly punched the ground while trying to balance herself and land with her other hand.

But I forgot about naruto.

Big mistake.

I felt a punch at my face as I flinched and loosened my grip on my left hand which I was using to hold naruto.

Naruto Squirmerd from my grip as he landed a jab at my right eye making me take a step back.

<500 Damage done to User>

Unfortunately Sakura noticed this and used her still clenched right hand to throw a punch at my stomach.


<1,500 Damage has been inflicted on user>

"Damn" I mutter as I got launched back to where the fight originally started the Crater.

"<Shadow Clone Jutsu> " Naruto said as he made 15 <Shadow Clones> who started charging for me.

"Aaarghh" they all let out a Warcry as they tried to jump on me like players of Rugby(American Football).

'Yeah...Not doing that' I thought as I unleashed a barrage of <Mana Orbs(Explosive)> destroying all the Clones in there tracks while closing my eyes.

But it seems the smoke gave Naruto Cover.

"<Rasengan>" Naruto said as immediately as the smoke cleared he hit me on the Cheek with a <Rasengan> .

My Eyes Immediately Shot open <Two Toume Sharigan> shined brightly but Naruto or Sakura didn't see it.

I had already Predicted this Attack.

I deactivate <Two-toume Sharigan> as I Infuse my body with <Mana> using <Mana Embodiment> so the <Rasengan> won't go through my cheek.

I thighted my right arm to a fist as I simply bring it up not throwing it to a punch but like an uppercut making Naruto fly back and hit a tree breaking it in half.

But I gave Sakura to much time to Recover.

"<Heaven Kick of Pain> " Sakura said as she was on the sky and started to come down bring her leg in an Overhead kick position.

'<Mana Shield> no won't work maybe I can take advantage of her position' I thought as I used <Teleportation> to get in front of her and grab her neck like what I did to Naruto interrupting her 'Special move' .

And then I threw her by the Neck making her land on the top of some trees but not before she broke some bones from the Impact which even shattered the Surrounding trees around the one tree making it stand alone.

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