Chapter Twenty-eight

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(Alexander POV)

I held my moon the whole way back to the apartment to be with our pups again. It was more than an eight-hour drive and my moon still sleeping as we get back there. When we finally get there it was already dark, so most likely Marcus and Alexis are already in bed. David showed me to his apartment to my little moons room so we can both rests. I laid her on the bed and went to get her one of my shirts that I had packed for the trip so she may sleep in it. As soon as I get my shirt onto her and her back into bed, I hear little feets running toward the room. When the door swings open to have Marcus and Alexis come jumping onto the bed all excited to see their mom was back.

"Daddy, is mommy alright?"

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of Alexis calling me daddy."

"Don't worry princess, mommy is only sleeping right now. So, why aren't the two of you in bed sleeping?"

"We both decide that we want to sleep with you and mom tonight. Can we Dad?"

I just looked over to Marcus and Alexis with both their bright eyes looking at me with hope. How can I ever say no to something like that?

"Sure, you both can sleep with us tonight."

I walked over to my bag to pull out a pair of sweats to wear instead of just boxer that I was going to wear. I patted the bed for the pups to lay between me and my moon as I went to the bathroom to change. I get out of the bathroom to see that Marcus laying closer to Aurora and Alexis laying closer to my side of the bed. I fall asleep with my family feeling a peace I havent felt in years.

(Aurora POV)

When I finally woke up, I was surprised to see where I am and that I wasn't alone in the bed. My neck was still hurting as I looked over to see not only that Alex was in my bed but so was Marcus and Alexis were in my bed as well. I never thought I would have seen this day that my whole family were together. I also feel that I'm slowly becoming myself again, from losing who I am the last few days. My life has become one big puzzle of who are or arent my parents, who am I, and getting back with my mate. For some reason I decide to just go back to sleep, to just wake up later to an empty bed. I looked over to the clock on my nightstand to see that it was now around noon and I needed to make lunch for the kids, but before I can get out of my bed the door swings open to Raina running to the bed jumping onto me and squeezing the hell out of me.

"OMG Aurora, I missed you so much. Promise youll never leave me again."

"I think you just broke my ribs."

"Oh Aurora, don't be a baby."

I just glared at her, until I noticed the mark on her neck. No way, she met her mate while we were apart, but the mark seemed just made.

"Raina, that mark seems new. When did you find your mate and who is he?"

"Oh yeah that. Well, we met a few days ago and my mate is David. The guy that you been living with."

"Wow, I'm so happy for you Raina."

"Are you really? I mean I know the two of you were living together for four years now and I was a little worried that there might have been feeling for each other."

"No, I have never had those feeling for David. I guess my heart even though hurt still belonged to your brother."

She smiled as she looked at my neck and I almost forgot that Alex has marked me as well.

"Wait, where is Alex and the kids?"

"They're in the kitchen making lunch for you to bring it to you in bed. Oh, I think I hear them coming now."

Betrayed by my mate. Book One.Where stories live. Discover now