Chapter Twenty-seven

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(Alexander POV)

My little moon was crying and screaming as she grabs her arms. I try to get her to let me see what was wrong and when I got her to let me see I was shocked to see blood going down her arms. It looks marks that came from someone claws being dig into her skin. The sight of the blood and ragged by it brought me out of the spell linking my moon with me. When I woke up, I was back in the van with King Darius, Queen Aiden, Xavier, Dani, and David. My sister decide that she wanted to stay with her new niece and nephew. I was surprised to see that her and David has already marked each other on the first night together. I thought she would want to be marked in front of the pack all royals usually do, but I guess that is her decision to make. I looked around the van to see almost everyone looking at me but David since he was driving.

"King Alexander, what happen?"

"I made connected with my moon."

"And? How is my daughter doing?"

"How she's doing? Well, at first everything was going alright until her arms started to bleed as if someone was grabbing her and digging their nails into her skin. I don't know whats happening and I'm worry that something bad is happening to her."

"Don't worry because were here to get her out."

I looked up as we were stopping to see a large home Victorian type house. The stonework mixed with the wooden panels and the house being by Lake Michigan made this place like it came from fairy tale story. I hurry to get out and ran as fast as I could to the house to get to my moon as fast as my legs. There was a large spiral staircase as I burst through the front door leading to the second story. I smelled the air to see if I could follow my little moon scent to find where she is being kept but her screams told me exactly where to find her. When I get to the door to break it down to see a man on top of my moon and I didnt like it at all. It made me want to kill him because I can tell he was hurting her as I realize he was trying to mark her for his own. I had to get him off her, but I also had to be careful to not hurt her as I get him off. I finally got him off that felt like a was removing a starving wild animal from its food. I throw him across the room as he bares his fangs to me showing me how unpleased he is with me, but I couldnt give a damn. I didnt know what to do, but I did know that I cant take my eyes off this guy that seems to be taken over by his wolf. Not even to check on my moon, because you never turn your back on a uncontrol wolf. The guy was around my height, dark short hair, dark beard, dark blue eye and medium built.

"Move out of my way you damn mutt. Get away from my angel, our mate for life."

"What are you talking about? This is my mate Aurora."

"No, she is my mate Aiden. She is my angel and my whole world."

What is he talking about? Has his wolf lost it or something to think Aurora is Queen Aiden for some reason and who is he to her?

"Who are you?"

"My name little pup is Revon and you're in my way to my mate."

"Brother, what are you doing?"

I looked over to the door to see that King Darius standing there looking at the wild wolf and wait did he just called him his brother. So, does that mean that he is Prince Darian and Aurora real father, but why is he trying to mark his own pup? Is he losing himself to the wolf?

"No Darius, I'm not Darian. I'm Revon and wont let you take Bella away from me ever again."

"What are you talking about? That girl on the bed isnt Aiden that is your pup Aurora. Can't you see that my brother. I didn't mean to take Aiden and Bella away from you, but she is also our mate as well."

Betrayed by my mate. Book One.Where stories live. Discover now