Chapter nineteen

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(Alexander POV)

Not long later Seb, Kaven, Tiana, Ethan, Zariah, and King Darius royal Gamma Isaiah. That is when the first course of Creamy Lobster Bisque, Shrimp Tartlets, Alaska Salmon Bake with Pecan Crunch Coating, and for desert Chocolate Mousse Cups and Ubud. During the meal, I noticed behind Queen Aiden left ear that she also had a crescent moon. The same mark I noticed behind Aurora ear as well.

"Excuse me Queen Aiden, but I noticed that you have a crescent moon behind your left ear, and I was wondering if there is something behind that mark."

"My wolf Bianca is a white wolf and the mark was given to past relative by the moon goddess herself. This mark is only past down my family blood line. My family was put in charge of protecting the moon goddess blood line."

"So only your family carries that mark?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"My Aurora has the same mark behind her hair and her wolf Kamaria is whit as well."

I hear silver wear hitting a plate as I was talking. I looked over to my moons mother Tiana with her hands over her mouth and the panic in her eyes.

"Are you sure about this King Alexander?"

"Yes, I am very sure about its King Darius."

"This mark is only given to one child in each family and is always a daughter. There has not been a time that the mark was past down to a son. Reeve was our first child, so he did not get the mark, but my daughter Zira did get the mark."

"Queen Aiden, where is your daughter?"

"I do not know what happen to her or my younger sister Kiara. Not long after she was born that our kingdom was attack by an unknown pack looking for Zira. I sent her with my sister to take her your kingdom for protection, but when things calmed down, I got a hold of your father and was told he does not even know what I am talking about."

"Tiana, I want to ask you something and I want to hear only the truth coming from your mouth. When I had to take a leave to travel with King Trayvon and was gone for a month to see all the packs in the kingdom. The pack doctor got a hold of me to tell me to get back as soon as I can, because my daughter will not live much longer. When I finally made it back to you just to see that our daughter was alive and healthy. You told me that the moon goddess answers your wish for her health, and it was granted. I was so happy and relived to see my baby girl still alive. So, I am going to ask you my mate, is Aurora our daughter?"

"Tiana went pale as he was asking the question. She opens and closed her mouth many times as if looking for the right answer."


She slowly looks up from the table with tears flowing down her check.

"No, no she is not our daughter."

What are you talking about mom? Are you telling me that she is not really my sister? Ever since I can remember I always had a dream that my sister is dead.

Then who is Aurora? Who is my mate?

"After our daughter died about a few hours after Kaven was notified about what is going on. I did not know what I was going to do about what just happen. I was full of grief and guilt; I just could not face Kaven after I let our daughter die. That is when a girl named Kiara showed up with a baby girl in her arms. She begged me to bring the little girl to the palace with the note that was given to her. She left in a hurry telling me that she wanted to lead who ever was on her track away from the baby. When she left, I had an idea to keep the little girl safe by telling others that she is mine and Kaven daughter Aurora."

Queen Aiden stood up with anger and rage in her eyes.

"Are you telling me that Aurora is really my daughter Zira. Your telling me that you stole my baby girl."

All Tiana could do was nod her had while the tears still flowing down her face. I sat there taking in everything that was said. My little moon is of royal blood and my father felt she was beneath him, even though I always knew there was something special about her. I thought more until I came to the idea that when Queen Aiden spoke of Reeve, she will say our son, but she spoke of Aurora she will only say my daughter.

"I am sorry to ask Queen Aiden, but why is it when you speak of Reeve you say our son, but when you talk about Aurora you will say my daughter. Is there a reason for that or am I just reading too much into what you are said?"

Queen Aiden looked over to King Darius as if she were asking him if it be alright to tell me. He nodded his head to her as she continues speaking.

"The reason I will say our son is because Reeve is Darius and my son. The one you call Aurora is my daughter, but she is no Dariuss daughter. She is related to him by blood. You see, I have two mates give to me by the moon goddess."

What does she even mean that she has two mates? I am not even sure that could happen to anyone. I have heard of a second chance mate, but even that is rare, it was not unheard of just rare. I just was not understanding on what she was telling us about having two mates.

"I see you have something to ask me."

"Well yeah, how can you have two mates at one time?"

"It is because Darius has a twin brother named Darian."

"When there is an identical twin born like me, they usually are both given one mate to share. Nobody is sure why this happen, but sadly it does. I guess other twins are alright sharing a mate, but Darian and I were never really in sharing anything, especially a mate. Darian loved Aiden as much as I do, but he didnt like the idea of having to share her with me, so he left the palace and Aiden behind."

"It was the time that Darius was called upon to deal with a dispute between four of the packs in our kingdom that were threatening war. It was only supposed to take about three weeks, but it turned into three months with him trying to make peace and them to sign a treaty. During that time Darian came by to speak to me. He asked me to reject him as my mate so maybe he will be able to get a second chance mate. I refused to do so, I guess I was being selfish about it, but I could not help it for I loved him as much as I loved Darius. That caused an agreement between us and it became a heated on that turned into us having sex. I woke up the next morning on my bed and in his arms. At first I was so happy thinking that everything was finally going to work out between all three of us like the goddess attend it to be, but when Darian woke up and seen what he has done he became angry on what happen between us. He once again begged me to reject him or he will reject me but either way I was not going to agree with it. A three weeks after he left, I found out that I was pregnant. I did not know what I was going to do when Darius came home, how he will react that I had sex with his brother. Two weeks later when he finally came home, and I told him what happen I found out that he was not angry with me because Darian was also my mate. I try to get a hold of him to let him know about the pup, but no one knew where he went too."

As I try to wrap my head around all the information that was being told to me, I watch as King Darius get up from his chair. I am not sure what he id doing.

"Lets get back to the topic of seeing this witch. I would like to leave tonight if that will be alright with you King Alexander. This now has become personal with Aiden and I. We will need to travel to Chicago to find her and do not forget to bring something personal of her to give to the witch. That will help her to cast the tracking spell to locate Aurora."

"Queen Aiden, there is one more thing I would like to tell you about your daughter. When she disappears that day, I was told by the pack doctor that she was pregnant and by now she has already have given birth to our pup."

"Really, our son has a four-year son named Travis and now my daughter has a pup as well. You do know the crescent moon will be passed down to one of your pups."

"Yes, but which one of our pups will it be."

'Alex, you do know what this means?'

'Yes, Hunter we really need to find our mate because her and our pup are going to need us to protect them from whatever is looking for her.'

Betrayed by my mate. Book One.Where stories live. Discover now