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(Aurora POV)

"Mom, what do you mean he has lost himself to the wild wolf?"

She paused as she looks toward King Darius and then back to me.

"Sweetheart, when I wolf loses his mate, he begins to lose control and revert to his prime animal instinct. There's a bad chance that your father will never be human again."

What? What is she talking about? Does this mean I already lost my father before I even had a chance to really meet him? I cant have already lost him; I need to do something to get him back. Yes, he has done wrong to me, but he didn't mean to hurt me. I cant believe what she's telling me, that I already lost my dad before I really gotten the chance to even have more time with him. That he's never going to be able to meet his grand pups.

"Mom, what can I do to get him back?"

"I don't know sweetheart. Maybe if we can find the silver wolf together, then well have a chance to speak to the goddess herself."

"What can she do to help him?"

"Well, maybe she'll be able to give him a second chance mate. I did find out there was a female that he finally got together with for a while, but because of this mate thing he wasn't able to love her the way she needed him too and I was told she left him. That's when he went after you to help him to find the silver wolf that can reach out to the moon goddess to make her his mate instead of me."

He found someone that he wanted to love but ended up losing her because of the moon goddess. I know now what I need to do and thats to find this silver wolf to reach the moon goddess herself to save my father.

Eight years later

(Marcus POV)

Its been eight years since my mom and dad got back together. Not long after they got back together my mom had my younger sister Kiara, but we call here Kia. She was named after my moms aunt who saved her life when she was an infant. Right now, shes pregnant with triplets. Identical twin boys and another girl. Im happy there will be more males in the family. Today well be having a party here in the castle for mine and Alexis 13th birthday party. We were supposed to go to Chicago, but there must have been something in the water because all the females were pregnant at the same time. My mom, my aunt Raina, Autumn and Jasmine all were pregnant around the same time. So, my parents decide to invite all the people from Chicago to stay here for a week. Both Alexis and I already had our first shift. I had mine at 11 years old and Alexis had hers last month. My wolfs name is Lucian and hes a white wolf, but everyone already knew thats what color his fur was going to be, but everyone was surprised to see that Alexiss wolf Dahlia turned out to be a black. There was a joke or a rummer going around and us being like yin and yang, its funny because our personality is somewhat opposite to each other. I was in my room getting ready for the party when the door flings open to an over excited sister jumping onto my bed.

"Marcus, Marcus their here. They're all here."

"Yeah, but you care about Kayden being here."

"Shut up!"

"Come on Alexis, everyone knows that you hang onto to him every time you two are around each other and he's the same with you as well."

"You think that Kay feels for me?"

"Oh, little sister sometimes I wonder about you."

"What's that supposed to mean you jerk?"

She storms out of my room before I could say anything else to her. I finish getting ready for the party tonight wondering who the extra two people that is going to be at the party. I overheard my mom talking to my Aunt Ana about her asking permission to bring an old friend and her daughter with her, and my mom was alright with it. So, I'm wondering who this person is that she's bringing with her. I know Aunt Ana is at least about older than 500 hundred years old, so I wonder how old this witch is going to be and what color does she practice on. What's her daughter going to be like, and I wonder how old she is. I grabbed a pair of black slacks and a white button up t-shirt. After brushing up my hair I went to look to see where my parents were, but I ran into Senri on the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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