Chapter seven

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(Alexander POV)

I was enjoying the sight of Aurora eating her favorite foods. Im glad I was able to give the royal chief a list that Autumn was able to get for me. I couldnt help from smiling while watching her.

'Um Alex?'

'Yes Seb, what is it that you feel the need to bother me during dinner?'

'Well, I wanted you to finally tell Aurora that she is your mate.'

'Get off my back! Don't worry, I will talk to her really soon.'

'I sure hope so, cause every time Autumn and I are together you always look so sad. Your my best friend and it kills me to see you like that. What is going to happen when Dani finally finds his mate as well. You'll make him feel as bad as I do now and no, I'm not saying youre doing it to hurt us.'

'Um, Seb, Alex? I have found my mate.'


Both I and Seb said at the same time trying to keep the shock look off our face so the girls dont know that were talking to each other.

'Why didn't you tell us sooner about this Dani boy? So, whats her name and what pack does she belong too?'

'Well Alex, I was really not sure that I wanted to even tell you about her cause its Jasmine.'

'What?!' Again, we both say it together.

'See that's why I didnt want to say anything to either of you.'

I can see why he didn't want to tell me since his mate is friends with Kimberly the girl that my father wants me to make my mate. I don't think I can have her here while Im trying to get Aurora to realize she was my mate. I don't need Kimberly doing anything to ruin this for me. I looked over to Aurora and seen how happy she is eating the desert while talking to the other girls. I cant help but to fall more in love with her the more we spend time together. I need to find a way to be alone with her so I can finally try to explain it to her. I know I cant wait any longer and with Jasmine being Danis mate I know I cant wait another day. As soon as Jasmine is brought here to be with Dani and that will give Kim an excuse to be here.

'Rania? Can we please talk?'

'What's up big bro?'

'I need your help. I need you to help me to get me some alone time with Aurora so I can talk to her about being mates.'

There was a long pause as for Raina to think about how she can help me.

"Hey Aurora, how would you like to go swimming to work off some of this great food?"

"I would love to go swimming to, but I didn't pack any swimming suits. I guess I really didnt think about it."

"Don't worry cause I know there are a few that was put into your room."

"Great, so lets get going. Hey Autumn, would you like to come with us?"

"I'm sorry but Autumn and I already have some plans tonight."

"We do?"

"Yes, we do. Dont you remember we were going to spend some alone time together?"

'Sis, what are you doing?'

'Duh Alex, I'll be taking her to go swimming and you would happen to show up as I'm needing to leave.'

'How can I just show up when you said it out loud for everyone to here.'

'Oh yeah, well I'll figure it out. Wait, after we go swimming, I'll ask her if she would like to see the garden Grandpa made for his mate. I know she would love to see it. You can get things ready by then.'

Betrayed by my mate. Book One.Where stories live. Discover now