Chapter two

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(Alexander POV)

Today started out like any other day for me. I wake up and have breakfast with just my sister Raina like every morning. My parents are never here to eat any meals with us. I do get to see my father but only when he wants to belittle, let me know what Im doing wrong and to remind me to be more like him. I sat there finishing up my breakfast when Gamma Xavier, my future Beta Sebastián, and hopefully future Gamma Dani.

"Prince Alexander, we need to get going for your training. Also, Princess Raina your father agreed for you to start training today."

"Really Gamma Xavier?"

"Yes, now please hurry up and get ready. Dani will be taking you to the training ground. Prince Alexander, we need to get going."

"Yes, I'm ready to go Gamma Xavier."

We drove over to the packs training building so I can start my long boring day like every other day. My wolf Hunter seems to be hyper today but Im not sure why though. The place already feels hotter than hell itself and its only 6 in the morning. The morning went by so slow as if something was going to happen. Good or bad I wasn't sure about but will find out soon. I looked over to see my sister showed up and heading for one of the larger training rooms to Wait for Kaven who will be coming in with his two kids that I believe just turn 12 today.

"Hey Alex?"

I looked back to see Dani running over to me.

"Yeah Dani boy, what's going on that got you so excited."

"You told me that when I win Sebastián in a fight that I'll be able to challenge you. I want you to know that I'm right to be your Gamma."

"Yes, I did say that. Gamma Xavier will you be so kind as to be the referee to our fight?"

"Yes, Prince Alexander."

He smiles at me as we both remove our shirts and enter the ring. I know that Dani will make me a great Gamma even if he's not the son of the Gamma but his nephew. Sadly, Gamma Xavier never found his true mate and refuse to be with another female. His sister Dariana became the packs doctor not that long after her mate died by rouge wolves. She brought her son Dani here to be with her brother who was more than happy to help his sister out by getting her a job here. Dani and I been friends since I was 6 years old. He's a great fighter but sadly I'm better but only cause I been training since I was 5 years old by my father and Beta Dustin. I still have all the scares from that training. Dani and I spare off for awhile as I hear my sister talking to another female. My wolf was becoming more restless with just the sound of her voice, but when I heard her say my name that I couldn't help but to look her way. While I was staring at this young girl that Dani decide to take advantage of it and take me down. I landed on my back hard onto the mat but my eyes never leaving her face.

"Come on Alex. What happen?"

I just glared at him not saying at him.

"Nothing Dani boy. I just got distracted is all."

"By what Alex, a 12-year-old girl?"

When I turn around to see Damien looking into the ring hanging onto one of the ropes. Him and I never been very close and defiantly never been friends. He wanted to be my Gamma, but I don't really trust him to be in such a role. I than realize that he was looking over at the girl that's with my sister and Hunter didn't like it at all.

"Damien keep your eyes off of her, unless you do have a desire to be among the dead."

"What's wrong my lord? You afraid I'll take her innocence away?"

Betrayed by my mate. Book One.Where stories live. Discover now