Chapter thirteen

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(Aurora POV)

I'm not sure how long I was out but when I came to, I hear two different male voices. One of them I knew to be Damien's voice but the other one I didn't recognize at all. The one question on my mind is what is going on here.

"I cant believe you were able to pull this off, Damien. How were you even able to get her pass Prince Alexander?"

"He was too busy messing things up with her. By the way Donovan, I hope you keep up your end of this deal."

"Of course, I am a man of my word. So, here is the money that I promise you and when I become the new Beta in my pack, I'll make sure that you will become our new Gamma."

I can't believe Damien would do this to me for money wait scratch that yes, he would. I know he would do this to me for far less.

'Kamaria, are you there?'

'Yes, but I'm very weak. I think they gave us wolfbane to keep you from shifting.'

'We need to get away from them and I'm going to need your help to do so.'

'I'll keep trying, just make sure they dont give us anymore wolfbane.'

When I looked around, I noticed we were in a car, but I wasn't sure where we were.

"Ah, I see that our Princess is finally awake."

"Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?"

"Wow kitten, always straight to the point with you."

"Shut up Damien!"

"I see my kitten is upset."

"Nock it off Damien, stop picking a fight with Princess. Now to answer your question, my name is Donovan Hadeon and Im the Gamma in the Bloody lake pack. Why I'm doing this to you is a question you'll need to bring up to Alpha of the pack."

"May I ask where we are and where were going?"

"Yes, you may right now were close to Cleveland, Ohio. I would say like in one more hour or so. We're going to stop there over night before heading out to upper Michigan."

He left it at that as he continues driving. We drove for it seemed for longer than an hour before we arrive to Drury plaza hotel where ai guess were staying in for the night.

'Alright Damien, you stay with the Princess while I get us some room."

He gets out the car and leaves me with the devil himself. Not a good move on Donovan part. I wonder if there a way to get pass this ass.

"Don't even think about it kitten. Yes, I'm aware that your stronger than I am because of your blood line."

"What are you talking about my blood line?"

"Never mind, you'll find out that soon. Right now, youre still weak from the wolfbane that I have given to you so dont give me any reason to have to give you more of it."

'Do what he says Aurora. I can feel myself getting stronger, but I won't if he gives us anymore of it. Just act as if you are still weakened by what they already given to us.'

'Alright, I'll do the best as I can and hopefully Damien wont catch onto to us.'

"Nothing more to say, Kitten?"

"Sorry, but I'm feeling really sick to my stomach and I'm hoping Donovan will be hurrying up So I can go lay down or something. I'd also like to shower and change out of this dress if you dont mind."

"Ah than youre in luck because I have packed some of your clothes just for this trip."

"I really hate to say this to you, but thanks."

Betrayed by my mate. Book One.Where stories live. Discover now