Chapter twenty-three

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(Alexander POV)

For me to calm Hunter down over the ordeal that happen between Raina and David, I sat in the room to watch our pups sleeping. They're both sleeping in the same bed for Alexis sneaked into bed with Marcus. It's sweet to see how close they are. I had time to think about the phone call I had earlier with Kaven. I have asked him to check on something that Jasmine had told me about Alpha Andrew not being the rightful Alpha of the Black pine pack. It was his older brother William that was the next in line to become the Alpha of the pack. Kaven discover that Andrew challenge William to be the Alpha and he won by cheating. I was told that he brought a blade made from silver dipped into wolfbane to immobile William so he can no longer be able to fight. I don't understand why no one in the pack spoke out against what happen. I know for the fight to be legal that a royal must be present during the fight just to find out that the royal that was there was my father. I can now see how he was able to become the Alpha of that pack by doing undermined trick. I need Kaven to find out what has happened to William after the fight and to his family. I need to correct the mistake that my father has allowed to happen. I was in deep thought as I watch Alexis and Marcus sleeping that I almost didn't noticed that my phone was vibrating in my pocket. I looked to see that it was Seb and decide to be best to take the phone call outside of the room.

"Hey Seb, you're not going to believe this, but I have a son and a daughter. I'm just waiting for Aurora to."

"Alex! That's why I'm calling you is about Aurora."

"What are you talking about Seb?"

"Aurora called here a couple of hours ago and when I tried to get a hold of you, your phone just cuts off."

"Alright, tell me what my little moon said to you."

"She called here looking to talk to you, but I told her that you were out looking for her and just as I was about to give her your cell number the phone call was cut off by Damien. I think he must of took off with her Alex."

"Your telling me that Damien took off with my little moon again. I'm going to kill that fucken mutt!"

Ok, I need to calm down and go find Anastasia for Im going to need her to track Aurora down still.

"Alright Seb, I'm going to take care of this, but I need you to get a hold of Kaven to help him to take care of the Black pine pack business."

"Alright Alex, I get right on it and I hope you are able to find Aurora and by the way, congratulations on finding your son and daughter. I also cant wait till we tell the packs that you have an heir to the throne."

"Thanks, Seb talk to you as soon as I can."

As soon as I get off the phone, I know I need to get everyone together to find Aurora once again.

'Raina, I'm going to need you to come back down here as soon as you can. We need to talk about our next step to find Aurora.'

'Alright Alex, David and I will be there soon.'

I went to look for Anastasia to find her talking to King Darius.

"Anastasia, I'm going to need you to still use that tracking spell to find Aurora."

"King Alexander, what is going on? I thought that Ana told us that Aurora will be getting back soon."

"I just gotten a phone call from Seb letting me know that Aurora just called him looking for me, but before he can let her now how to get a hold of me thats when Damien cut him off taking her with him."

"Wait, did you just say Damien cut her off?"

I looked behind me to see Raina and David walking into the room.

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