Chapter five

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(Aurora POV)

Four years has gone by and Alex and I been getting even closer by each day. I still wonder if he's my mate because I never felt this way toward any other guy that Im around. I'll be turning 17 in a few days from now and I'm wondering what charm Alex will be giving me this time. Ever since I was 13 and he bought me the charm necklace that he's been getting me a new charm for each birthday. For my 14th birthday he got me a butterfly charm, 15th birthday he gave me a star charm with a diamond in it, and for my 16th birthday I got a rose charm. I got a phone call the other day from Raina about spending the next month at her place since both our fathers will be traveling to each pack in the kingdom to check in on their pack warriors. I was happy when my father finally told me today that I can go spend the time he's gone staying with Raina. I was sure when I first asked him that he was going to say no, but I guess he had no choice when my mom decide to go help my Aunt out with taking care of my cousins during the next three weeks. I was hurrying up to finishing packing my stuff so I can get going to meet Raina. I hurry up to grab my clothes that I'll be taking and any other things I'll be needing for a month. When everything was in order, I than through on my sun dress. It was red with small white flowers all around it. I decide to not only wear my charm necklace but also my charm bracelet that my father bought me. I know that I'm running late on meeting Raina, so I rushed down the stairs to see my mom sitting at the table drinking her tea.

"Mom, I'm going now to meet up with Raina and head to her place."

"Alright, please behave yourself and not embrace your father while you're there."

Wow, I wonder if that's her way on saying I love you and take care. It no longer shocks me on how she treats me while my father isnt around.

"Alright moms have fun at Aunties house. I love you and take care."

"Yeah, love you if you were mine."

I know the last words she said were so quiet as a whisper that she didnt really wanted me to hear but sadly I did. I heard her but understanding her I did not. I decide to just put it in the back of my mind and go find Raina. It didnt take to long to find her walking toward my house wearing a white sundress with some red flowers.

"Hey Aurora, wow I love your dress. It's so adorable on you."

"Thanks, and really love your dress too. BTW thanks for inviting to stay with you while my father and brother are away with your dad. My mom decide to spend the time with her sister so I would have been left alone."

"Well actually youre doing me a favor by staying with me. My mom decide this time she wanted to go with my dad, and it will be just my brother to be with. Of course, Alex will be busy the whole-time taking care of the pack business while my dad will be gone."

"Alex is standing in as the Alpha King?"

"Well yeah my dad wants Alex to take over when he turns 25. So, he'll need more hands-on experience. I remember the last time dad had to go to the packs and Alex was in charge. My dad was so impressed how Alex handle the job."

Wow I can't believe that Alex will be taking over the packs soon. I know the packs are ready for Alex to take throne for they aren't happy with how his dad is taking care of them. I don't know too much about King Trayvon, but I get the feeling that I don't really want to. I was told hes quieted the opposite of Alex in every way. We had to take a car to get to the palace so it wouldn't take as long. When we get there, I couldnt believe just how big the place is. I cant believe I'll be staying here for a whole month with Alex. I'm still not sure what my feelings for him only that my feelings for him are strong. I try talking to my wolf about how I feel about Alex but for some reason she seems awfully close lip about him. When we finally made it to the door just to find that Gamma Xavier was waiting for us.

"It's nice to see you again Aurora. I just seen your dad and brother the other day while they were leaving with King Trayvon."

"Yeah, I'm going to miss them both."

"Hows your mom doing?"

"Like I said I'm going to miss my father and brother."

Xavier just gave me a look as he rolls his eyes. I guess no one understands that my mom and I were never close.

"Well, mom decide to take this time to go see my aunt Ember to help her out. She's about three and half months pregnant. My mom is there to take care of my four cousins. If it wasnt for Raina inviting me to stay with her than I be by myself for a month."

"Well, I guess it's a good thing that I convince Trayvon to let Raina invite you to stay while he was gone. I told him that it would be a late gift for her birthday."

Raina went running over to him giving him one of the biggest hug from her. I know he is a very caring person because he always treated Ethan and I like his own kids. I know he would be a good father to his own kids when he ever have them, but first hell have to meet his mate. I don't understand why he has never met his mate and he refuses to take a choice mate to be with. As we walk into the palace my jaw just dropped from the beauty of the place. I couldn't help but to think how it would be to live in such a place.

"Well Aurora, let me take you to your room so you can put all your stuff away."

"Wait, I thought she will be staying in my room with me."

"Your brother thought she would like to have her own room while she be staying here for a month."

"Nosey brother, but I guess it will be alright."

I can tell that Raina will still not to happy with the agreement of the room. Her and I followed him to my room that I'll be staying in. I know she isnt happy but Im a little bit excited to see this room. It took awhile for us to get to the room cause of just how big this palace is. As Xavier open the door to my room my jaw just dropped for beautiful the room is. The room was easily about five times bigger than my room. There was a queen size bed with a chase at the foot of the bed. A large mirror start ahead form the bedroom door and a vanity not to far form it. I have always wanted a vanity in my bedroom since I was five years old and seen one in my older cousins room, but my mom didn't feel that I needed one. I even loved the color scheme of the room with gold, silver, and greyish blue.

"So, do you like it Aurora?"

"Oh wow, yes!"

I ran over to the vanity all excited while Xavier just stand there laughing at the sight.

"Your dad told me about how you always wanting one for your room and when I told Alexander about it. Well he insist that I get you one for your room to make you happy."

Wow why would Alex go out of his way for me.

"Wow, my brother can be such a dork at sometimes."

"Oh btw, just to let both you know that there will be a ball at the end of the month when both of your dads return. It will give you chance to find a mate."

"Well maybe everyone should be more worry about Alex finding his mate and less about me finding mine."

I'm not sure why that was upsetting about this, but I wasnt to keen about him being with another girl. Just thinking about it was just killing me.

"Aurora? Are you alright? Did I say something to upset you?"

"What? No, I'm alright Raina. I just zoned out for a bit."

"Well Aurora, why dont you put away your stuff and then go freshen up. Dinner will be ready in two hours from now. Alexander had someone go shopping to get you everything youll need in the bathroom."

"Why would Alex do that for me?"

"I'm really sorry but youre going to have to talk to him about that."

Before I could say anything that's when Xavier excuse himself from my room.

"Alright Aurora, I'll be back in a little while to get you for dinner. I just need to take care of something."

She than takes off and I start taking care of everything I need to get ready for dinner.

Betrayed by my mate. Book One.Where stories live. Discover now