Chapter twenty one

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(Alexander POV)

I spent around fifteen hours in a van with King Darius, Queen Aiden, my sister Rania, Dani, and Ex Gamma Xavier I think I am about to lose my mind. Driving to Chicago hoping some witch will be able to track down my moon and our pup. I am not sure how much more a can keep my wolf Hunter from losing control and taking control over me. When I thought I was just about to lose my mind we were finally at the apartments she seems to own.

'Alex, I need to be let out now. Even though it is faint I think I smell Aurora.'

'Hunter, please calm down now. The smell is so faint that it might not be her.'

He retrieves in the back of my mind and pouts like a two-year-old pup. I looked over to my sister who had finally fallen to sleep, so I will leave her alone to sleep. I get out of the van to see a four-story brick building, but it is a little more modern looking than I would think a witch her age would have. As we walk into the building and ran into a girl. She had dark black hair and dark brown eyes; she was probole an Asian descendent.

"Hi Mizuki, can you tell me where I can find Ana?"

"Your highness, she is with the children play canter down this hallway."

Walking down the hall I realize that the first floor was mostly of places like management office, coffee shop, gym room, and a genuinely nice play area for the kids. We get into the room to see about seven children in the room running and playing. There were many things in the room the kids can play on like slides, playhouse, an area with block for them to play with, some different rocking animals and other things. The children all looked to be around the ages of four and six years old. There were identical twin girls with blonde hair and blue eyes. There was also a boy that had similar features as the girls and most likely their brother. A girl and boy with light ash brown hair and emerald green eyes. As I was looking around, I found the other boy and girl that darker brown hair with bright blue eyes that reminded me of my little moon. There also was a woman in the room that didn't look that much older than me.

"Ana my dear, your looking well."

"Well King Darius, what do I owe this pleasure of this visit with you and Queen Aiden? I can see you also brought some friends with you."

"Yes, this is King Alexander Heinrich, his Gamma Dani Mihaila, and ex Gamma Xavier Pattarasan. Ana, we need your help to find King Alexander finding his missing mate."

"Yes, I really need your help looking for my little moon Aurora Chandrakant."

I was given an odd look from her, but before she could even say anything to me, this boy came over to us. It was the boy with the darker brown hair with blue eyes.

"Auntie Ana?"

"Hey Marcus, is there something I could do for you sweetheart?"

"I was wanting to know why I heard my mothers name."

Wait, did he just say his mothers name. I looked closer at the little boy as I kneel to his eye level.

"So, your moms name Aurora?"


"How old are you?"

"We will be four soon."

I take a closer look at this boy named Marcus when I noticed a mark behind his left ear, of a crescent moon.

"King Darius, Queen Aiden can you please come over here?"

"What is the matter King Alexander?"

"Your name is Alexander?"

Betrayed by my mate. Book One.Where stories live. Discover now