Chapter eighteen

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(Alexander POV)

I am finally face to face with the man I used to fear and now I have the will to face the fear. Both of us was not really doing that much but sizing up each other fighting skill. Neither my father nor I have ever seen the other one in a real fight. It did not take too long to figure my father fighting out and it was easy for me to dodge him in ever hit. The more I did that the more he became angry on how I was doing. I can see that Hades is trying to fight his way out and be in control, because I also can feel Hunter trying to take the control with me. When I felt that I could no longer keep Hunter at bay that is when I hear Gamma Xavier.


(Hunter POV)

As soon I hear him give the ok, that is when Alex gave me control over our body. Now its my turn to show them what Alex and I can do. Neither his father nor Hades ever met me. I am almost twice the size of Hades and a lot stronger as well. The reason for that is that Alex is of royal blood and King Trayvon only married into the royal family with my mother. Trayvon was the oldest son of the Alpha in the Shadow pack. I take advantage of them being in shock over me and attack the legs to get him off balance. I then seen the opening for a death blow to his throat and I went for it. I my jaws around the perfect part of his throat and now I must do is bite it as hard as I can.

'Go ahead pup, kill us and you will be killing Alex's mother as well. You both know she will not be able to live without us, her mate.'

'When have either of you care about her and Bella's life. We know without a doubt that Trayvon has been sleeping with other females from the start. Who knows Alex might have half siblings out there.'

I can feel the anger building up in Hades because I knew for a fact that cheating on Bella was never something he wanted to do. That is one bad thing about having a human side because us wolfs can never control them outside of our wolf form.

'So, you do not care if she kills herself over our death.'

'You know for a fact that Alex and his mother never got along because of you. We are going to put our mate and pup first, that means even if I do it his own mother wellbeing.'

'Pup? Are you telling us that you got that whore pregnant?'

Before I knew it, I was ripping out his throat.


We watch as Hades struggle gasping for air. My face full of his blood just watching him take his last breath. When he finally dies, he goes back to human form and we do the same.

(Alexander POV)

When I regain control, I look upon the one who as a child was a scary monster and now that I am older is nothing but a dead bully. I hear my mother screaming as she runs over to him grabbing at his lifeless body.

"Alexander, why? Why did you have to kill your father, why did you have to kill my mate?"

"I am sorry mother, but I had to do it to protect my mate and pup from him."

She did not even look at me and probable did not even hear a word I just said. Even though a had some of the pack members look after her, she took her life that night.

(Dani POV)

It is been around four years and half years since Aurora has disappear. Wes still have not found Aurora no matter how much we look nor how many times Alex takes off with just a hint of where she might be. We found that even Damien disappeared that night as well or at least no one has seen him since that night. He was also the last person seen with her that night. A few days before King Darius called us to informed that he knew of a witch that has high tracking spell that will allow us to find Aurora. He is coming here to not only help us to find her but to help us to get her to find Aurora. He tells us that the witch owes him a favor. I just received a phone call a few minutes ago that he will be here within the hour. I first need to let the pack warriors know that there will be a few guests that are welcome on our land. I then need to contact Kaven to let him know that not only his company are needed at the palace but also his family. As I am done doing all those things, I need now to go get Alex to let him know what is going on. I am not sure what to expect as I reach Alexs office, because Hunter has been taking over a lot more lately. Making Seb and I to take over the packs more often. I knocked as I waited for an answer.


"Alex or Hunter, it is Dani."

"Come in."

I walked in only to see Alex is sitting in the chair with his head on his desk. When he looks up to me, I can see that he has not slept in days.

"What do you want, Dani boy?"

"King Darius will be here shortly with information on the witch with the tracking spell. He also said that she will need something personal of Aurora."

He opens the top draw of his desk and pulls out a box. When he opens it up and took out a charm necklace.

"I gave this to my moon for her 13th birthday and the night of the ball I watched her ripped it off."

"We are going to find her Alex, please believe me."

"I hope so Dani boy. I miss her so much. I was not there when my pup was born. I miss all the first my little on went through. Like the first step, first tooth, and the first word. I do not even know if she had a boy or a girl."

I feel bad for Alex because he had to watch as Seb and I raised our own little ones. Around the same time that his pup should have been born that Seb and Autumn had his son Kaiden. A year later Jasmine and I had twins. Their names are Risa and River, they will be turning 3 in a couple of months.

"Alex, we should get going. King Darius is going to be here in a few minutes."

"Yeah your right Dani boy and I should be grateful to him for helping me out as much as he is."

(Alexander POV)

I am incredibly grateful that King Darius is reaching out to me to help me find my moon and pup. I am not sure how I will ever be able to pay him back for this, but I am not sure how much longer I will be able to hold back Hunter from totally controlling me. Dani had our kitchen prepare a special meal for our guests and had our stuff ready for us to leave as soon as we can. I know I can always count on Dani and Seb to have my back no matter what the problem maybe. Dani will be accompanying me on my trip, while Seb will be staying here to take care of the packs business while I am gone. I know he will be able to do it and that is why he is my Beta and not because his father was my fathers Beta. I was walking with Dani heading toward the room that we will be having the meeting, but I was stopped by Collins on the way.

"King Alexander, Gamma Dani the guests are already in the dinning room waiting for you. Beta Sebastián thought it be more comfortable having this meeting there instead of having it just in one of the meeting rooms."

"Thank you, Collins, and please let the kitchen know to be ready to serve our guest in half an hour. Also make sure they have drinks while they are waiting for their meals."

"Yes, your highness, I will make sure our guest has drinks and are comfortable. I will send a link To Greg to let the kitchen know about having everything ready in a half hour. I hope this meeting with King Darius will help us to bring back our Queen and your mate."

"So, do I Collins."

Dani and I headed toward the dinning room to see King Darius and Queen Aiden. We get into the room to see a man in his late 30 with short light brown hair and light blue eyes. His Mate Queen Aiden has dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. When I looked closer that I could not believe my eyes, but she looks like an older version of my moon. I sit down at the head of the table with King Darius sitting at the head on the other side of the table. Dani sat on the left of me and Queen Aiden sat on the left side of her mate.

"Thank you, King Darius, for coming out all this way to help me with my problem. It means everything to me and to the packs of my kingdom."

"I should be thanking you King Alexander for taking your fathers life and his place on the throne. I was getting intel that your father was planning to take me off my throne and take control over my kingdom with all my packs."

"Yes, I know, I did find some plans of his to take you and your family out. I also found out that my matting with Kimberly was an agreement that her father to help mine to get the other packs to go along attacking your kingdom."

Betrayed by my mate. Book One.Where stories live. Discover now