Chapter sixteen

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(Alexander POV)

It wasn't that long after I left my moon that I already started to miss her a lot. Sadly, I needed to get things done here before I can be with her. In the middle of me looking over some of the packs finances that I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in."

As the door open that all sudden I felt this wave of dread. When I looked up to see who was there that I seen it was my father, the last person I wanted to see today.

"Father, I thought you weren't coming back until this evening."

"I decide that I needed to come back sooner after that I heard that you have found your mate."

My heart stopped; how did he find out about my moon?

"What about it, father?"

"So, why didn't you tell me about her?"

"I wasn't sure how you would react to her being my mate."

"How do you think I would react to my son being mated to a low rank wolf like Aurora?"

"It doesn't matter what rank she is because she's my mate and I will not be without her."

My fathers eyes filled with so much rage and anger, but I know my eyes were reflecting the same as his.

"Boy you're not the King yet and you'll do as I say. You'll reject Aurora as your mate, and you will announce that Kimberly is you true mate. You will do this or else."

"Or else what?"

"Or else Aurora will die tonight."

When he said that about her dying, I just lost. I slammed him against the wall as he laughs at me darkly.

"Careful boy, it doesn't matter if you kill me. Her fate has already been sealed the moment you put that ring onto her finger."

"What the fuck are you talking about you bastard?!"

He just gave me an evil smirk as the door opens to reveal the pack witch Blair. She's about 56, slim with raven black hair, dark eyes, and very pale skin. She walked into my office without making any eye contact with me.

"Why don't you explain things to my dumbass son?"

"Sorry Prince Alexander, but I sore my loyalty to the King of the packs."

"Go on and explain what you have done."

"Yes, tell me now!"

"The ring that you asked me to get you because of the painite stone. Well I put a curse on the stone that can kill her within seconds. It can be activated with the orb that I gave the King."

I can't believe what I'm hearing. I don't know what I am going to do. How am I supposed to live without my moon, but I can't live knowing I could have protected her from death.

"I can see that you're going to need sometime to think things through. You'll have till tonight at the ball to figure out if you're going to announce Kimberly as your mate and the packs future Queen."

He walks out of my office leaving me with the question on what I am going to do. I'm not sure how long I was standing in a fog until I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in, but this better be fucken important."

I looked up to see Dani standing in the doorway waiting to come into the office.

"What's wrong Alex? I can tell there is something wrong because it's written all over your face."

I know I can trust Dani with anything because him and Seb are like brothers to me.

Betrayed by my mate. Book One.Where stories live. Discover now