Chapter fourteen

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(Aurora POV)

We all hurry up to eat our breakfast to get going. It doesn't take me too long to get ready to go because I decide to just wear what I wore last night. It is easier to put a plastic bag in my pocket, so I'll be able to carry my clothes in while Im a wolf. The drive to Michigan was quiet and I tried my best to make it look like I was still being affect by the wolfbane. I'm hoping they might let their guards down or at least not to give me more. I think its working because Donovan keeps looking at me with concern in his eyes. I believe me been on the road for almost an hour, but I wasnt for sure. When I seen that we were near some forest that it gave me an idea.

"I'm really sorry to be a bother, but when will we be able to hit a restroom?"

"Not until another half an hour or so, why?"

"I'm just feeling a little sick and I need to pee as well, but I guess I'll have to hold it for a bit."

I tried my best to look sick and uncomfortable to play off his guilt. I can see that it somewhat working because I can see that he is having a battle on what he should do.

"Alright, I'll pull to the side of the road and you take care of your needs than. Is that alright with you?"

"Yes, thank you.'

We pulled over as Donovan gets out of the drivers side to come around to let me out.

"Would you like some help?'

'I think I'll be alright but stay out here if I need to change my mind."

I walked over to the area with the most shrubs and trees. Im hoping it will give me more cover to get away before either of them to noticed that Im gone.

'Are you ready for this Kamaria?'

'Yes, I believe that I'm pretty much at full strength.'

I get behind the trees and look around to see what the best direction is to take off in. Im hearing water, so there must be a river nearby. Thats the best way for me to go and use the training my father taught me and Ethan while we were younger.

"Are you almost done?"

Shoot I better think of something and thats when it hits me in the stomach, I started to throw up onto the ground.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, I dont think my stomach agree with what I ate this morning."

"Alright, just let me know if you need any help."

"Thanks Donovan."

Am I doing the right thing? I don't even know where I'm going and there is no way I'm going back to my pack or to my family.

'Aurora, we need to go now!'

'Why? Whats wrong?'

'I'm not 100% sure, but I think we might be pregnant with Alex's pup.'

'Are you sure?'

'No, but that would explain somethings that is going on with us. If we are than we can't take in anymore wolfbane for it can harm our pup. We need to also leave because were not sure were they are taking us and why but do want to take a chance with our pup's life.


Well its now or never. I walk a good distant away before I start my clothes off and put it into the bag that I got from the hotel. I then started to shift and it's a good thing I know just what I need to do. I also decide to give Kamaria totally control for her training and speed will help as to escape them.

Betrayed by my mate. Book One.Where stories live. Discover now