Chapter twenty

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(Aurora POV)

Its been around four years since I left not only my pack, but also my so-called mate. I had my twins in December of that year named Marcus and Alexandria aka Alexis. All the people here have been exceedingly kind and helpful to us. They were even so nice to me and threw me a baby shower with all that lived in the same building and those that worked at the night club. I been living with David this whole time helping him to also take care of Muriel. I had tried to find my own place many times, but David will always talk me out form moving. I have a feeling he wanted more than just a friendship from me, but even though Alex betrayed me the way he did it still would have felt wrong. Also, in a way I guess I still love him in a way. It was around lunch time as I was making grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup. When I was done with lunch and setting up the table, I went to the kids room to get them ready to eat. I was surprise when that David took the smallest room of the three rooms in the apartment. The kids room and mind were pretty much the same size with a nice size walk in closet. We were able to fit three toddlers bed in the room. David already been talking about getting a four-bedroom apartment soon, so when the kids get older to give Marcus his own room.

Marcus, Alexis, and Muriel it is time for lunch. Clean up the toys in your room and wash your hands before getting to the table for lunch."

"Yes mom."

"Yes momma."

"Yes Auntie."

The kids walks into the kitchen while I was cutting some apples and oranges for their snack during lunch. I put the fruit on the table and the kids happily took them.

"Marcus and Alexis, it is going to be your birthday in a few weeks. Is there anything special you two would like to do on that day? Maybe we can throw a party?"

"Momma, can we have a party with all our friends like Zelda, Zoie, Zack, Brock and Matt."

"I do not se why not, Alexis and what about you Marcus?"

He looked down to his soup afraid to tell me what was on his mind.

"You know you can ask me anything, sweetheart."

"Mom, can I have asked anyone to the party?"

"Who would you like to invite to the party?"

"Do you think we can ask Dad to be at the party?"

I froze at just at the one word that Marcus just said. I could not believe he just said the word dad could make a chill go down my back.

"Mom, can I ask dad to be at our party."

"Yeah momma, can daddy be here too. All our friends have their daddy, so why Marcus and I do not have a daddy."

This is something I have been fearing that would be brought up one day, but I was not expecting it this soon. I really do not know what to tell them about Alex. I am not even sure I ever wanted to tell them about him.

'Aurora, you know one day we need to tell our little ones about Alex and Hunter. We can not keep this from them forever.'

'I just do not know what to do, what to tell them. That Daddy did not want me nor want anything to do with us. He never even tries to find us.'

"Mom, does dad not like us? Are we bad kids he does not want?'

"No Marcus, it is not like that. Your father does not even know you or your sister exist."

"Then why mom, please tell me."

I did not realize I was crying until I felt the tears hitting my hand.

Betrayed by my mate. Book One.Where stories live. Discover now