Chapter nine

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(Alexander POV)

I brought my attention back to my sleeping mate and nuzzle my face into her neck just breathing in her scent. I never want us to leave this bed, but sadly I have things I need to take care of like pack business and planning for the Luna ceremony. Now that we have mated my wolf will not calm until we mark each other. Ill also want to introduce her to the pack as their future Queen, but Ill first have to talk to my father about her and he's not going to like it. My father will be against it only cause she is not the right rank in his opinion. I don't care what he thinks about my moon because Ill never leave her. Im not sure how long I laid there looking at my moon.

'Alex, were in the kitchen right now getting things ready and well be able to be out there in about 30 minutes.'

'Alright Seb, I'll wake her up right now and get her into the bathroom.'

I looked at her knowing how much I hated having to wake her up, but than we can have some fun together in there.

"Hey, my little moon it's time for us to be waking up."

I started kissing her neck as she squirms in my arms.

"Come on little one. I was hoping we can take a nice bath together before we have to start our day."

(Aurora POV)

I can feel him kissing my neck, but I really didn't want to wake up yet. Wait, did he say something about taking a bath. I really could use a nice soak with my body being so sore everywhere. Did he say we?

"Alex, did you say we?"

"Well yeah, the tub can fit up to six people. Ok, it's not really for bathing and more like soaking tub. Well need to shower off before getting into it."

I be lying if I said that I didn't like the idea of being in the tub with him, because I'm really enjoying of the thought of what we could do in a tub that big together.

"Alright, lets give it a try."

He gives me a squeeze and a quick kiss on the lips.

"Come on my little moon, lets go and some fun before the day starts."

He took my hand and lead to the door to the left side of the room that I had a feeling would be the bathroom. There were two sinks and shower that I can only describe as the ones you would find in a gyms locker room. Than there was in the back of the bathroom was a large inground tub that I feel might fit more than six people if you really wanted it too. We both got to the shower to clean up fast to get into the tub, but before I knew it Alex was picking me up and carrying me to the tub.

"You know I can walk?"

"Yeah I know, but what fun would that be and having your naked body up against my skin really feels good."

I just rolled my eyes and giggles as he carries me to the tub. As soon as I get into the warm water my bodies soreness just disappeared. It wasn't too long as I was enjoying the warmth of the water that I felt two strong arms wrapped around me from behind.

"Come here my beautiful moon. Are you feeling better now? I made sure that I put some herbs into the water to help with any sore muscles."

"Yes, I do feel better than I did just a little bit ago."

"Hm, I have an idea in mind now that you're feeling better."

"And what do you have in mind for us to do right now?"

He didn't answer me but when he started kissing my neck and he didn't have to answer me cause I knew what he was thinking. After we decide to clean up again before leaving the bathroom. I looked over to Alex as he was wrapping right hand with a towel to stop the bleeding after he bite his hand.

Betrayed by my mate. Book One.Where stories live. Discover now