Chapter four

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(Aurora POV)

'Aurora, I'm your wolf and my name is Kamaria.'


'Yes, and I'm happy to finally be able to talk to you.'

'What's happening to me Kamaria?'

'This is your first time shifting into your wolf, shifting into me. The first time is always the most painful for your body.'

'Will it get easier?'

'In time your body will grow use to the shifting but right now youre going to need Alex to help you through this one.'

'Why him?'

'In time youll understand but for now lets deal with you shifting into me.'

(Alexander POV)

I had to talk to Kaven about Aurora being my mate. He was shock to hear that about his daughter has found her mate at such a young age and that mate being me as well. Right now, my attention is needed to be on her. I go over to her and make sure I keep her calm and allowing her skin contact with me cause it will help her.

'Alex, we need to help our mate.'

'That's what Im trying to do so will you shut up for now and let me help her.'

'I can't help it. I waited so long for my mate to come out. I dont know how longer I can wait.'

'Well wait is what youre going to have to do. This might take a while and shouldnt be rushed. Dont worry when its over Ill let you out to be with her.'

'Alright I'll wait than.'

I can still feel him pacing in my head, but I need to be taking care of Aurora right now. I can tell shes in a lot of pain cause shes fighting it and I need her to relax to let the shift to happen. Her skin is was so hot to the touch and I can feel stating to relax the more we touch.

"Little moon, can you hear me?"

She looked up to me and nod her head.

"Good, now listen to me. I need you to try and relax your body because the more you fight it, it will only hurt more. Im going to need you to take deep breath and calm your breathing."

She finally started listening to me and her body started to relax. Her bones began to keep breaking down till I knew she was about there.

"Alright my moon, youre going to have to breathe through this pain and just let your body do what it needs to. The breaking is your body adjusting to the changing into the wolf form. Don't fight it for it just make it worse on you."

I try my best to keep her calm as her bones and body adjusting to the shifting. She was doing so well that I couldnt help but be proud of our mate. It dont take her as long as a shift can take others to do. As her wolfs head lays in my lap, I began to stroke her white fur. Wait, her white fur? Her wolf is white? I heard of this before about wolfs with white fur. I remember my mom telling me stories but not recalling it all. I looked at our mate with white fur and blue eyes. She also bigger than she should be. Her wolf is bigger than Rainas wolf but a little smaller than Danis wolf.

'Hey Alex, I thought you told me that I will be able to have time with my mate.'

'Alright Hunter, you can take over now. Her wolf is going to want to stretch her body.'

(Kamaria POV)

I slowly open my eyes to see Alex looking to me but wait those eyes arent Alex. Those eyes belong to Hunter. I get up from Alex lap as slowly stands up.

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