Chapter twenty-four

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(Aurora POV)

I woke in a room that I have never been in before. The colors of the room were a warm light brown and brown bricks for the trimming. There was a large queen size bed in the room with box like canopy with white type drapes flowing down. I'm not sure how I gotten here because last thing I remember was talking to Seb and having Damien cut into the phone call. I remember a sharp pain in my neck and then waking up here. I was snapped out of thought when there was a light knock on the door. A girl with bluish hair with tattoos on her arms and legs walking into the bedroom.

"Hi Aurora, my name is Maisa and Ill be taking care of all your needs while you are here."

I noticed that she was carrying a tray with a plate of food I guess for me. There was an omelet with mushrooms, spinach, and cheddar cheese. A bowl of mixed berries and some hot tea that smelt of peppermint.

'Here Aurora, you must be hungry after sleeping through the day."

"Why am I here?"

"Because our Alpha wanted you to be here. I'm sorry but I cant tell you any more than that."

"Are you afraid of him?"

"No, it's not that. He's a nice guy that helps rouges like me to that no one else wants to be in a pack. When I was eight years old my old pack left me in the woods for death because they felt I was weak. He happened to come across me and take me in without even a second thought. He never made any of us feel like we dont deserve to be in his pack. For that I will always keep a special place in my heart for him."

I can see just how much she respect the Alpha of this pack. Im just wondering what am I doing here and what does he want with me?

"Maisa, who is this Alpha, I mean what is his name?"

"I'm sorry but youre going to have to wait to talk to him for that. Oh yeah I'm almost forgot to introduce you to Sinan and Sinclair."

She then walked over to the door to get someone attention to come in. When she moves aside two men walked onto the room. The first guy I see was over 6 feet, short light brown hair, brown eyes, was very well built, and tattoos on his arms. The other guy had longer blonde wavy blonde hair, maybe about 5"10", and had leaner muscles.

"Aurora, this is Sinclair and the guy that wont be talking very much is Sinan. They will be outside of your door to keep an eye on you."

That means they will be making sure that I behave and stay in my room. Its has been days and I still havent seen this Alpha of their nor do I still dont know why Im here for. Maisa kept me entertain the best she could. She brought me many books to read, games that I can play card games with her, and eve a tv to watch. I havent met anyone else besides Maisa, Sinan, and Sinclair. As Im sitting on the bed reading How to marry a millionaire vampire. When I hear someone that sounded, I lot like Damien. I walked over to the door to listen in what they were saying.

"Is there a reason that I can't see my kitten?"

"Alpha told Sinan and I not to let any males in, special you Damien."

"I'm not understanding why that is, Sinclair?"

"She's an unmarked female and hes not wanting any unmated males around her. She's incredibly special to him."

"Wait, isn't Sinan an unmated mate himself?"

"Yes, Sinan is an unmated but our Alpha trust him even with own life so why wouldnt he trust him by her.'

"Are you going to go willing or should I show exactly why he trust me for this job."

Wow that is the first time that I heard Sinan even say a word the whole time Ive been here. I then decide to peek behind the door to be able to see what is going on as well as hearing it. I seen that Sinan was blocking the from Damien, and after a while he seemed to have given up as he stormed away like a child not getting his way. It was funny watching him act like the child he is, but then I hear someone clearing their throat.

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