Chapter fifteen

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(David POV)

I sat there for a little while just trying to think what I should say to her. She looked so sad and lost, but I don't know why or if I should even ask.

"What's wrong beautiful? Why wouldn't you want to go back to your pack?"

"I just can't go back after my mate has rejected me like I was nothing. So, please can't I just stay with you because I cant go back there, and I have nowhere to go."

I couldn't believe that she just told me that her idiot of a mate rejected her. How could anyone want to reject some as beautiful as her. It makes me want to keep her for myself, maybe I still have a chance to be happy myself.

"What about your family? Don't you want them to know that you're alright?"

"No please, can't I just stay with you until I find a job and be able to get my own place."

I'm not sure what I should do with her. A part of me wants to convince her that it be better for her to go back to her pack, but the other part of me just want to take care of her myself.

"Alright, you can come with me until you are ready to be on your own or want to go back to your own pack."

Aurora face just light up with the most beautiful smile that I have ever seen. I can tell that Kayden was not happy with me at all, but he's probably grumpy because he hasn't feed in a while. Sucks being a vampire. The rest of the trip was quiet after Aurora fell asleep on the van floor. I gave her my jacket so she can lay her head on it, but I just watch her sleep trying to figure out what am I going to do with her. Where will she be staying? What will she do about money? Maybe she could stay with me to help with taking care of a two-month-old girl. I do have a spare room she could use. I'll have to talk to her when we get there to see what she feels that is right for her.

(Aurora POV)

I was waking up as the van stopped and feeling a gentle touch of a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey beautiful, its time to wake up."

"Are we there already?"

"Beautiful, you've been sleeping for a few hours, its about 6 pm. You must have been really tired."

I can't believe I been sleeping that long, but to be honest I still feel I could sleep at least a few more hours if he let me too. It must be from all the energy that Kamaria went through to get away from those guys.

"Come on beautiful, we need to go inside to talk to Anastasia about you staying here or maybe you won't mind staying with Muriel and I."

"Who's Muriel?"

"She's my goddaughter. Both of her parents were my best friend. Her father was killed for rouge attack and her mother died at childbirth. I was the only on that would take her in."

"I'm so sorry to hear that, but at least she still has you to care for her."

"Yeah, she does. Lets get going before the club opens up and Ana will be to busy to talk to you."

"Where's Kayden?"

"He's already getting the supplies into the club so he can hurry up and feed before he really gets grouchy."

So, Kayden is a vampire, well that explains the uneasiness I had around him. I had never been around a vampire before. When I get out of the van, I was surprise to see a building that looked like it could be 100 years old as a night club. It was of bricks with two looking towers in the front of it on both sides of the entrance. The outside looked old, but when I got inside of the club it was all modern style. At the bar I see a beautiful blonde hair female, with soft blue eyes who looked to be in her late 20s or early 30s. When David went over to the bar, the blonde looked up to him and smiled but seem confused when she sees me.

Betrayed by my mate. Book One.Where stories live. Discover now