Chapter eight

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(Aurora POV)

'Yes Aurora, Alex and hunter are our mates.'

'How long did you know this? How long did Alex know about this?'

'I'm not sure about him, but I knew about it the first time we shift that they were our mate. Please, don't be angry with them about this for I begged them not to let you know till I feel you were ready to handle something like having a mate.'

As I turned to walk away, I felt a hand on my arm stopping me in my track with the feeling of the heated sparks.

"Please, don't leave my little moon."

"how long did you know Alex?"

He looked down not wanting to make eye contact with me and that just made things worse.

"How long Alex? How long did you know that I was your mate?"

"I would like to tell you that I knew the first time I met you but wasn't 100% sure. I wasn't sure till your first shift that we were mates. Please understand how hard its been for Hunter and I not being able to say something to you, but Kamaria thought it be best for you. It took a lot for us to keep it from you this long."

Before I knew what was happening, his arms were around my waist and his lips crashing into mine. I can feel all his passion and need for me. At first, I was shocked but in time I gave into the feeling of his warm soft lips on mine. I couldn't help but to kiss him back with just as much passion. It shocked him but only for a moment and then he picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. I was than pinned up against a nearby wall in the garden as his lips leaves mine and kissing his way down my neck till, he comes to the spot where hell one day be marking me with his bite. He smiles as the moan came out of my mouth of him licking and sucking the spot.

(Alexanders POV)

When I hear her moaning in pleasure and it made me lose more control over Hunter. I can feel him trying to take control over me to mark Aurora right there and then. I couldn't let Hunter mark her until Aurora is given the proper Luna ceremony in front of the whole pack. If we were to mark her now the pack might not except the idea or take it as an insult and that alone should have made me stop in what we were doing. Sadly, neither I nor Hunter wanted to stop what we were doing as my hand slowly slide up her dress.


"Yes, my moon?"

"Alex? Where out in the open and anyone can see us."

Oh, shit she was right, but I really didn't want to stop what we were doing. I been waiting so long for this and I didn't want this to end now. When I stopped and looked into her eyes, I was getting the feeling she didn't want to stop neither, but I could be reading too much into it for my own needs.

"Well, I did have a lovely evening out for us, but not sure about that anymore."

"Well, I really don't think we should be doing this out here where anyone can see us."

"There is a small little cottage in the middle of the garden that my grandfather build for her Luna ceremony night. There a rarely anyone that comes out here besides me or the gardeners. So, its up to you what you want to do. Would you like to finish what were doing or just eat?"

I'm really hoping that she choices to continue this cause I been waiting for her and not ever being with another girl. Ok, I have kissed a girl once and that was before I met her. It was at mine and Seb's sixteenth birthday party that some of my friends decide that they wanted to play spin the bottle. I felt it was sort of childish, but I did it anyway. When it was my turn to spin it, I was so upset that it landed on Kimberly and even though I was so against doing it I did it. All I can say it wasnt worth that fact after she wouldnt leave me alone. I watch her as she seemed to be thinking it over.

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