~ 1 ~ A Normal and Ordinary Day

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⚠️~TW~⚠️Bullying, Implied child abuse, Self depreciation.


Five minutes. Five minutes until lunch starts and I'll be out of this class. It's not like I hated school, I actually didn't mind it too much although it was admittedly a handful at times, I just didn't want to leave the room. I would be outside and I would be alone, vulnerable to Momota, who was more mad than usual at me after I accidentally ran into him that morning, literally,  causing him to trip. I could feel my heart racing in my chest so I started to take a few deep breaths to calm down. I didn't know for sure what he was going to do to me, but I had a pretty good idea. His words from that morning kept repeating in my head as I gazed out the window.

"Watch your back Shitface, you won't make it out alive after I'm done with you."

Theories were whirring around my brain, I couldn't tell if he was just trying to scare me (which he succeeded), if he was exaggerating or if he actually might kill me. It wasn't unusual for Momota or his friends to hunt me down and... 'mess with me' every day, but he acted so odd this morning. I wondered if I could hide somewhere, but quickly shut that thought down since he most likely would he hunt me down after school instead, or come to my house. 

I jumped out of my chair as the siren rung throughout the school, indicating the end of the class. Those deep breaths a moment ago weren't worth it since my heart started racing so much I could feel my pulse in every inch of my body. Trying to get my nerves under control, I focused on packing my things into my schoolbag and hesitantly left the classroom, walking along the hallway towards the rooftop. I can't avoid it, so I might as well face Momota now rather than risk him getting angrier with me.

"Oi Shitface!"

It was no mistaking it. That was Momota. Turning around, I just managed to get a glimpse of him as he slammed me into a wall. My vision went slightly blurry causing me to panic now that I couldn't see well, all I could hear was laughter from the rest of the bullies. 

"Already crying you little wimp?" Akamatsu was right, I could feel my tears on my cheeks, but quickly ignored it since I could only focus on the pain ringing through my head. 

"You'll pay for this morning, bitch." Momota was eerily calm, he was definitely enraged, but all I did was accidentally  trip him, I couldn't understand. Was it because I made him look clumsy in front of his friends?

"But i-it was an a-accident!" I stuttered out without thinking. I shouldn't have said anything at all, all I succeeded in doing was putting myself in more danger. 

Momota started kicking and punching me, I didn't know what to do, I didn't do anything wrong! Why is everyone just watching? Why is no one helping me?! There's was a hard punch to my stomach and I fell in a heap on the ground, coughing and spluttering. I could hear laughing slowly fading away to the sound of schoolyard chatter and lockers slamming open and shut. Is it over? Are they gone? Was that it?  I sat up which caused my head to start spinning and I couldn't see well again, but that would go away soon, it wasn't the first time this had happened after all.

And certainly won't be the last. I deserve it anyway, it's my fault I'm such a disappointment to everyone. I look at the ground, I didn't want anyone to see my disgusting face. Rantaro is right, I need to eat more so I can be stronger, not the weak little ragdoll that I am.

There was a small thud, and something cool rolled into my hand. A small bottle of water. I looked up but I couldn't see anyone who might have given it to me, people were just walking around the hallway as if nothing happened. I picked up the water, maybe there's a note or something on it?  Spinning it around in my hand, I realised it was no use, no matter how long I looked there was nothing of the sorts. What if someone accidentally dropped it and they want it back? But it is only a small bottle, not like anyone would miss it. I shoved the bottle in my bag and slowly stood up. The world was spinning again but that's okay, I was used to it at that point. 

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