~ 23 ~ Ten Deadly Masks

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I tightened my grip on Shuichi's waist as I woke up, nuzzling my head into his side.

"Morning sleepyhead." He chuckled, patting my hair as he set down the book he was reading. I sat up with him and leant into his shoulder, still half asleep.

"You could've woken me up ya know Shu."

"But you look cute when you sleep." I stared at him in a mix of shock and embarrassment, I didn't expect something like that to come from such a shy man like Shuichi, but then again he has stabbed someone right in front of me.

"Shut up-" I blushed. "Anyway sorry if I kept you waiting." A playful flick hit my forehead.

"Hey! If I can't apologise for no reason then you can't either." I smiled and nodded in response. "Anyway I'll let you get dressed, I kind of need to go to a work meeting..." 

"Alright then! I'll make sure to dress extra pretty for my Shu~" After Shuichi turned around to let me change I decided to put on a black crop top, a white and black checkered skirt, black and white vans and thigh high socks. I knew that it wasn't exactly super common for boys to wear that type of outfit, but only pussies stick to gendered clothing, and I ain't no pussy. 

When I was done Shuichi brought me downstairs to pack for the meeting, he didn't know how long it would be and knew I got bored very easily so we packed a lot of unnecessary things. When we finished we headed out to Shuichi's work, making sure to be early so we could sort out an arrangement for me to be there.


"But I'm working on the case too!" I frowned at the receptionist as she shook her head.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you into the meeting if you're not a detective."

"Lily, I hate to do this but I'm worried about Kokichi's safety, if he's not allowed through do you think he could stay with you until the meeting's over?" Shuichi spoke up from beside me. I wasn't thrilled at the idea of staying with a stranger for who knows how long, but Shuichi seems to trust her so I guess I will too.

"Sure Shuichi, I can do that. I don't mind." The receptionist, Lily, smiled sweetly. She seemed very motherly, like someone you could instantly trust. Just like Kirumi. 

"Thank you so much, Kokichi?" I turned to look at him. "Are you okay with that? If anything happens you can always call me, I'll keep my phone on for you." I smiled at him and gave him a tight hug. 

"Okay! I'll be waiting Shu~ Nishishi!" I watched as Shuichi walked through the door to his meeting as I stood in front of the reception desk awkwardly. I didn't want to intrude on Lily's space.

"What are you waiting for? Come around, you can place your stuff here, the person who uses this side of the desk isn't in today." She gestured to the second seat behind the desk, which I sat in. "Sorry but I can't let you use the computer, you understand why right?" I nodded.

"Yep! Completely understand." I got out my sketchbook and started drawing, not wanting to distract Lily from her work. As much as I loved to act like an asshole, I didn't want to risk someone getting fired for missing something important.

"So, Kokichi, can I call you that? You can call me Lily by the way!" She wheeled over closer to me in her chair to start conversation. Somehow, I felt completely fine with her getting close to me, it was surreal compared to my usual behaviour. Is it because Shuichi trusts her? 

"Yeah sure." I wasn't trying to come across as rude, and I hoped I didn't, I just didn't know what to say.

"So, you and Shuichi huh? He treating you right? If he isn't I'll 'take care' of him." She giggled, and I responded with a small chuckle of my own.

"He's treating me really well, the best boyfriend I could ask for! What about you, do you have a partner?" I closed my sketchbook, turning to face Lily as we chatted.

"Awe you two sound perfect for each other! I'm not in a relationship of my own, I'm aro."

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know." 

"It's okay, how would you have known? This is the first time we've met after all." I chuckled, I really do need to stop apologising all the time.

"Guess you're right. So are you close with Shuichi? Other than being co-workers obviously."

"You've really lucked out with a guy like him Kokichi. I guess you could consider Shuichi and I as friends, he's one of the only people who treats me like a co-worker and not 'the nice receptionist lady who is required to get everyone coffee.'" Lily looked down at her lap, fiddling with her fingers as a slight sadness crept through her voice.

I was about to ask her more about herself but was interrupted by someone approaching the reception desk. I zoned out to their conversation and started drawing again, making the chair higher so I could swing my legs without touching the floor.

"Kokichi, I need to go to do something so you'll have to stay here on your own. Is that okay? I can call someone else to keep you company if you'd like?" My face flushed slightly from embarrassment, the stranger (maybe a client? ) probably thought I was Lily's child or something.

"Nah I'll be fine here, don't worry about me!" I grinned at her as she nodded in response and walked away with the possible client. I turned on some music to drown out the silence of the entrance room as I continued to draw to pass the time. 

A loud ding made me jump and almost fall out of my chair. I glanced around the room to try and find the source of the noise before realising it was my phone, I grabbed it and found two new messages from an unknown number. Although hesitant, I opened the notification to find an image of a very familiar collection of nine masks surrounding a white, red and black logo, which brought a smile of happiness and guilt to my face. I always regretted not being able to keep in contact with DICE when I moved house, but I always held on to the hope I would see them again.

I excitedly read the message accompanying the image. 

You miss DICE right? Why not visit?

I couldn't help but squeal in excitement. DICE found me, they want me back, I can see them again!  I sighed upon realising Shuichi wouldn't let me go, they were a two hour drive away assuming they hadn't moved from the headquarters, and Shuichi was needed in town for the investigations anyway.

"Who's DICE?" I jumped back from the voice that came from over my shoulder, resisting the urge to immediately punch the possible attacker. "Oh sorry Kokichi, I didn't mean to scare you!" Lily laughed as she waved her hands around apologetically, to which I just laughed back.

"You're lucky I didn't slap you Lily! Anyway DICE is... my family I guess you could say." I looked up at the roof while smiling and reminiscing. "When I was younger I used to help people as much as I could around school, like stopping kids from getting beaten up and stealing food for kids who couldn't afford any. A few of those kids and I hung out a lot outside of school so, naturally, we created DICE with me as the leader. I moved away though to go to the high school nearby."

"Wow, why don't you go to visit them?"

"They're two hours away, my parents never let me visit them and now that Shuichi is needed here... I can't go until this case is solved."

"What's stopping you from going on your own?"

"I can't drive. Plus Shuichi and I stick to each other like glue!" I clapped my hands together as a visual, causing her to laugh.

"I hope you don't mind me saying this Kokichi but you're really cute!" She smiled. "Like your outfit!"

"Damn right I am! You're pretty good looking yourself." I cupped my own face, grinning from ear to ear. I was happy that I had a new friend.

"Hey." Lily motioned for me to come closer so I leant in and she whispered in my ear. "If you and Shuichi just happened to travel for the investigation, and just happened to pass by that area, you might just happen to see your friends." She leant back, winking at me. I like her attitude.

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