~ 5 ~ After Game

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⚠️~TW~⚠️Mention of Death, Self Depreciation.


Readjusting my hoodie sleeves, I took one last deep breath before slapping on a carefree face and running up to the boy sitting under a tree. "Shumai! You came!" I couldn't help but blush as my eyes subconsciously scanned his body. He looked so different when he's not in a uniform, which obviously looks amazing on him, but man could he pull off casual clothes too.

"Why wouldn't I?" He chuckled. I caught a glimpse of a smile on his face before it changed to a worried frown as he jumped up and ran to me, reaching out to grab my hands but I denied him, stepping back before he could touch me. I didn't mean to but it had become a habit due to trust issues in the past. "Oh my God Kokichi what happened? Are you okay?"

I wasn't able to find a way to hide the black eye I woke up with that morning since I dropped my makeup in my panic to get to the park on time, but luckily I had come up with an excuse earlier. "I'm fine, no need to worry about the amazing Ultimate Supreme Leader! It's just a little black eye from my adventure last night!" I put my hands on my hips, trying not to wince from the pain and grinned, hoping to sell the lie. We stood in silence for a few seconds in which I nervously watched as Shuichi scanned my face before he seemed to give in.

"If you say so, but I want you to know you can talk to me if you need to, okay?" His beautiful, golden eyes stared into mine causing heat to rise to my face, so I hastily ran past him and flopped under the tree to try and hide the blush.

"Okay Shumai! But if I tell you my secrets I'll have to kill you~!" I giggled like a child.

"Sure sure, anyway we should get to talking about what we're here for." Shuichi spoke in a professional tone as he walked over and sat down to face me. "The killing game."

"Hmmm? What about it?" 

"Well, Kokichi do you know what happened after you... you know..." Shuichi looked down. Is he upset? Why would he be upset about my death out of all of them?

"Ohhhh! You mean when I went splat! Like a pancake!" Shuichi cringed into himself. "Yeah all I remember is waking up back at home this morning. Other than that, eh." I shrugged before leaning forward and poking the top of Shuichi's hat that he was wearing again. "Why don't you tell me what happened?"

He sat still for a little while longer, (Jesus we're a. maz. ing at conversations), before taking a deep breath and hurriedly mumbling. "Kokichi, when I saw your body, I didn't know what to think." Woahwoahwoah where did this come from?  "At first obviously I thought Kaito had died, and don't get me wrong he is... was my best friend, so I felt... defeated... but when we realised you were the victim I- I don't know. I felt... numb, I guess, like everything had come crashing down around me." I watched in disbelief as a few tears flew from golden eyes while he spoke. He... cares about me? I must be hearing wrong, there's no way someone as amazing as him could care about a disappointment like me.

"I know it was a biiiit over the top and all, but I had to do it to end the game. I'm sorry for making you think I killed Kaito, you must've hated me-" 

"NO!" Shuichi cleared his throat after he cut me off. "Sorry, I mean, I'm not saying Kaito made me feel despair, you did. Wait, sorry no that came out wrong. You dying, it was hard to handle... because I care about you Kokichi. That's why I'm so sorry for what I said after that trial, I still don't know why I said it but I never meant it and I don't know exactly why I care so much about you but... I do, and- Sorry I started rambling and none of that came out how I meant it to. Just forget it." Shuichi tugged on his hat, pulling it over his eyes as he attempted to hide his silent weeping.

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