~ 14 ~ The Game Begins

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⚠️~TW~⚠️ Violence, Blood, Death.


My head was throbbing after it came into contact with the mesh fence and metal poles, I had been running around the school oval on my own for P.E. which was littered in small pebbles and debris that didn't exactly help break my fall. Momota was standing over me laughing, what he found so funny about pushing me over I didn't know, that was a level zero prank if I'd ever seen one. I just hope Shuichi wasn't watching. My new boyfriend was on the other side of the oval in his own P.E. class.

"Shuichi!" Shit. "You finally gonna join me against the lit-" He yelped, cutting himself off. I painfully rolled over onto my back to see what was happening, and faced something extremely... unexpected. Shuichi was standing in front of a crouching Momota with a bloody knife in hand, I couldn't see his face but I doubted I wanted to.

"Leave. And if you try to get Kokichi or I in trouble I'll finish the job." Momota nodded and backed away slowly before turning around and breaking into a run towards the school building, probably to go to his friends. Shuichi knelt at my side and pulled a small rag from his pocket, putting it to my head making me hiss in pain. "Can you stand? You need to get to the nurse." He pulled the already blood-soaked rag from my head. Fuck I didn't even realise I was bleeding.

I touched my forehead and felt the sticky liquid pouring out of it, pulling my hand away after literally only two seconds and finding it already coated in blood. "Kichi?" I smirked.

"This seem familiar Shu? At least this time it wasn't a floorboard!" I huffed out a half-hearted laugh as I started to feel faint.

Shuichi sighed, "not the time." He picked me up bridal style and took me to pick up our stuff before going to the nurse's office. I closed my eyes to block out the weird looks we were getting from the other students as we left class, I didn't need to deal with any more anxiety at a time like this.

When we got to the nurse's office Shuichi put me down and knocked on the door, holding an arm around me in case I fell. I didn't feel injured that badly but I probably felt better than what I was. A voice yelled out to enter and as we did the nurse immediately jumped over to me and lead me to the bed in the corner of the room to start cleaning the blood away from my face and body, she was being as gentle as possible but it still stung like a bitch.

Shuichi was telling the nurse what happened (minus names and him stabbing Momota) whilst she assessed my injures and wrapped a bandage around my head after cleaning out some dirt. As she finished Shuichi held my hand and smiled at me. I just rolled my eyes. "I'm feeling better than I actually look Shu, don't worry so much!" I poked his nose playfully, feeling guilty for lying but I didn't want him to worry as much as he was.

"Mr. Ouma I'm going to have to send you home to rest, you've been given sick leave for today and tomorrow. Which parent would be best to call to pick you up?" I held my breath, my body swamped with anxiety as I realised: I'm going back home today...

"Actually, we live together, just us." I elbowed Shuichi, hoping the nurse wouldn't react badly to what he just said. He just turned to me and smiled. The nurse nodded and handed me a pass to leave school. 

"Unfortunately Mr. Saihara you won't be allowed to leave with him since you don't have a reason to leave school. Mr. Ouma you have the choice of spending the rest of the day in here until you can go home together, or you can leave now on your own." I stood up and grabbed my stuff. 

"I'll leave now, I can make it home on my own!" The nurse nodded and handed Shuichi a slip that would excuse him for being late to class since the end of class bell had rung while we were in the office. Shuichi led me to the exit of the school, remaining on school grounds as he watched me start to walk home after sharing a quick kiss goodbye.

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