~ 16 ~ Der Flohwalzer

262 10 13

⚠️~TW~⚠️ Hanging.


It had been a week since Rantaro died and we hadn't found anything other than a small hairpin with a small music note on the end of it, but it hasn't gotten us anywhere yet. On the bright side I now had my own bedroom, but that didn't matter since Shuichi and I still shared the same bed in his Monokuma-decorated room. We both had officially dropped out of school, me because I just couldn't be fucked going anymore, and Shuichi because he decided he wanted to focus on his detective career, and his uncle approved.

Kissing my boyfriend's head I slowly slipped out of bed so I didn't disturb him from his nap. I was glad he was finally sleeping, even if it was because he had exhausted himself after crying in my arms for a while. Shuichi hadn't slept properly for the prior week, I think everything was starting to take a toll on him, especially now that Rantaro was dead... for good. It hurt to think about, but I knew I had to stay strong, for Shuichi and for Rantaro. 

Shuichi's phone screen lit up and instinctively my hand shot out to answer the phone without checking the number before it could loudly ring, I really wanted him to sleep as long as possible.

"Hello Shuichi."

"Oh I'm sorry Shuichi isn't available right now, can I pass on a message?" I kept my voice as low as I could.

"Ah okay, I am his uncle, who is this?" He sounds so professional, it's kind of intimidating.

"Kokichi Ouma."

"Ouma, you're involved in a specific case if I remember correctly? Well I have more information on it to share if you're available to go through it?"

I nodded subconsciously before realising he couldn't see me. "Yes that's fine." Fuck now I'm starting to sound slightly professional too. Kokichi Ouma does not do professional.

"We've received information from the victim's autopsy which I can't say over the phone. Their case file has been updated with new information if you would like to look into it."

I immediately walked to the office, if there was new information on Rantaro's murder I had to know, now. "There is also a new victim who we believe to be related to the case. I cannot say much over the phone which I'm sure you understand, but there is a new file that will explain everything. That's all."

Shuichi's uncle hung up just as I managed to open the new information on Rantaro's file. I clamped a hand over my mouth to stop myself from crying out. There was a picture of Rantaro's torso, and on his chest were the words 'Chapter One Start' sewed into his skin with magenta thread.

With great hesitation I shakily opened the new file for the apparently second victim and felt my body tense when I saw the profile.

Kaede Akamatsu.

According to the file she her father had found her hung in her room. Although the lethal wounds were deduced to be a series of deep stab wounds into her back. There was a letter left at the crime scene that said 'Chapter One Complete', which was dusted for fingerprints but there were no results. Location... that's not too far from here.

"Kichi?" I looked up from the computer to see Shuichi leaning against the doorframe, rubbing his eyes. He must've just woken up.

"Heyyy Shu! How did you sleep?" He started walking over to me so I minimised Akamatsu's file. I didn't want to upset him right after his nap.

"Pretty well actually, what are you doing?" 

"Oh you know, just looking at the case! Why don't you get some more rest?"

Shuichi leant over me and wrapped his arms around me, nuzzling his head into my neck. "Can we cuddle?" I chuckled at his adorable yet childish behaviour considering that was usually my thing.

"You're such a bottom~" I teased. "If you want to cuddle, we'll have to do it later. Something came up with that 'evil organisation' I run, so I'll see you soon!" I kissed his cheek and stood up, easing his tired body off of mine. I hurried to grab my things and leave the house before Shuichi could question me or see through my lie.


Akamatsu's body had been taken away by the time I'd arrived, which was expected. I had found one more piece of evidence, but all it did was link Rantaro and Akamatsu more. On her phone was a voicemail from the same day Shuichi and I received ours saying a similar thing. 

"This is just the beginning Kaede Akamatsu, the Ultimate Pianist."

Her call came before Shuichi's or mine did on the same day and just after someone saw Rantaro leaving school. Maybe the order of the phone calls relates to the order of the victims? But if this is what I think it is then we know the future victims anyway.

"Kokichi!" I spun around to see a flash of blue that knocked me to the ground in a hug. 

"Shu? Why are you here?" He didn't reply instead just squeezing me tighter. "Shuichi?" I tried to push him off of me so we could get up, especially considering we were at a murder scene and if anyone saw us it would just be weird and embarrassing.

He got off me and helped me up, pulling me into another hug. "Please don't leave me like that again... or at least tell me what you're actually doing next time..." I hugged him back, feeling guilty after hearing the pained tone in his voice. I hurt him... I thought I was helping... 

"Okay, I will. I'm sorry Shu I just didn't want you to worry or anything since you'd been sleeping and you haven't slept mu-" Shuichi cut me off as our lips touched. 

"It's alright Kichi, I understand that so don't worry yourself okay? I'm sorry for overthinking and letting my thoughts get to me."

I poked his nose, smiling as he laughed. "Stop! I know you can't control your anxiety so don't apologise for it again, or you're grounded Mister!" We both laughed together. "Anyway we should go home."

"You already searched the place then?" I tilted my head at him in confusion.

"Wait how did you know I was here in the first place?" Shuichi smirked.

"First of all, you don't run an 'evil organisation'. Second of all, next time you want to hide what you're looking at on a computer at least close the tab instead of minimising it." I wanted to slam my head through a wall. I can't believe I was that stupid!

Shuichi held my hand and walked us back home. "So did you find anything?"

"Actually I did! The next victim will be Ryoma Hoshi." He stopped in his tracks, causing me to stop too with a jolt. He furrowed his brows in confusion at me. I rolled my eyes overdramatically and put my free hand to my lips. "You haven't realised yet have you Mr. Detective?" Shuichi simply shook his head.

"Well I'll spell it out for you. The game isn't over."

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