~ 7 ~ Sleepover

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⚠️~TW~⚠️E/D, Child Abuse.


I flicked through the diary finding more and more of my photos and information like my phone number and address which explained a lot. I never realised I hadn't given him my address before. Is this what I think it might be? 

"Wait don't look at that!" Shuichi appeared out of nowhere and snatched the diary from my hands, but he was too late. I glared at him, needing an immediate answer before I kicked him so hard his dick would come out his eye socket.

"Shuichi Saihara you have some fucking explaining to do."

"Listen I-" He cut himself off and sat on the foot of his bed, putting his head in his hands. "Kokichi I know it seems really weird and creepy but I don't mean any harm I promise. It was on my bed this morning and I assumed you might've given me the information in there but after earlier today with the whole phone number thing I... realised you didn't."

"Shuichi. You have my entire schedule in here, every person I've got any sort of relationship with and the amount of times I've taken a sick day from school. You know as well as I do that this is fucking weird." Guilt sunk my heart as a muffled sniffle came from the detective, clearly one he intended to hide. I sighed and sat down next to him. "Listen, just tell me the truth okay? Did you write this before or after the game?" Admittedly it was a weird question, but if this is what I think it is...

"Um, before, why?" He mumbled into his hands, I saw his body shake slightly; indicating he was crying.

"Well then, don't worry about it." I smiled and grabbed his hands, urging them gently away from his face. He looked at me with bloodshot eyes. 

"W-what? But... like you said, it's weird." 

"I know I know, but that was you then and this is you now! You aren't the same Shuichi as the one who would've written this book... thing, so it's okay." I looked him directly in the eyes as I spoke. I knew he could tell when I was lying or not so I wanted to make sure he knew for certain that I was telling the truth.

"Kokichi-" He hesitated, pulling away and standing to turn his back to me. "I understand if you don't want to be around me anymore... and you don't have to spend the night if you aren't comfortable." He took a shaky breath as he waited for my answer which I gave by jumping up and wrapping my arms around his torso giving him a hug from behind.

"I wouldn't leave here even if you kicked me out! I want to stay by your side Shumai no matter what happens! Like I already told you that diary is from the old Shuichi not my best friend, even if you are the same person physically." I attempted to comfort him as he turned around and hugged me back, squeezing me maybe a bit too tight for my lungs.

"Thank you, thank you so much Kokichi!"

"Anything for you Shumai!" I choked out before jumping back onto his bed as he let me go. "Just promise me that you won't stalk be anymore~! Nishishi!" Grinning, I watched him just awkwardly rub the back of his neck as he smiled back at me. "Anyway how about watching Danganronpa so you can teach me about your waifu?"

"S-she's not my waifu!" His face went a deep red as he fumbled around to get the remote for the TV. I just rolled my eyes playfully as Shuichi turned on the show, joining me on the foot of the bed as the opening screen played.


 "And the one who went to all that effort... was you, Hina." The fourth closing argument played when Shuichi suddenly cursed, causing me to almost fall off the bed as he paused the show.

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