~ 12 ~ A Friendly Visit

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⚠️~TW~⚠️ Violence.


Shuichi was silently eating his breakfast while I pushed mine around the plate, I wasn't refusing to eat exactly, I just couldn't shake the nauseous feeling in the pit of my stomach. I was panicking about the situation I had landed myself in. I had just run away from home to live with Shuichi, it wasn't exactly something I did every fucking day. Shuichi sighed, snapping me out of my thoughts. "What's up Shumai?"

"You need to eat something, please?"

"But I am eating! It's just air so you can't see it!" I smirked, deciding to mentally play with him a bit.

"Kokichi." I sighed as he begged me with his eyes, I knew I'd lost our battle already.

"I'll try, it's just..." I hesitated as I felt tears forming behind my eyes. God why do I have to be so fucking emotional?!  "I'm scared..."

Shuichi's face formed a concerned frown. "Why are you scared?"

"What if... my parents call the cops?" I felt so embarrassed by the way that sentence came across. I wasn't scared of the police, I was scared of them taking me home.

The boy sitting in front of me started to smile proudly, huffing out a small laugh. "Kokichi, remember how I said I work for my uncle?" I slowly nodded, not understanding where he was going. "He's one of the best detectives in the country, meaning I have connections with said police." I couldn't help but smile as I realised what he was saying.

"Really? And how is the pure little detective going to mess with the law~?" I sung as I pointed at him in a playful, accusatory manner.

Shuichi playfully rolled his eyes in response. "I'm not going to do anything illegal, I'm not you." I pouted overdramatically. "I'm just going to tell the truth..."


"But... I'll say that I've sorted out your case so they leave you alone and you can, 'start fresh'. If that's what you want?" I nodded. I didn't want to deal with cops asking a bunch of personal questions that I didn't want to answer. It wasn't like it would get me anywhere either way since my parents could just bribe their way out of the situation like they had before. "Speaking of which how do you feel? Do you want to take the day off school so you can recover?"

"Why would I do that when you could just kiss me better~?" I mentally punched myself for speaking without filtering my thoughts. I. Just. Fucking. Said. That. To. My. CRUSH. On the outside I was smirking, calm and collected, but on the inside I was screaming and begging the ground to swallow me whole.

I was too focused on berating myself to realise that Shuichi was standing next to me and had lifted my chin to face him. I froze as he kissed the bruise on my cheek, chuckled when he pulled away with a face glowing with a bright smile that made me go blind. "Feel better yet?"

My face went as red as Yumeno's hair as I processed what happened, nodding in response to his question. "U-uh yeah- But I w-was joking you know!" He was about to comment before the doorbell rang. Shuichi's face went from playful to confused in a second.

"Weird, I'm not expecting anyone. Go wait in the bedroom just in case okay? I'll come get you if it's safe." I knew immediately what he was concerned about so I obeyed and ran into his bedroom as he cautiously approached the front door.

I went to shut the door to the bedroom behind me but curiosity got the better of me so I pulled the door to and peeked out the tiny gap so I hear the conversation. Shut up my logic made sense to me.

"Shuichi. We need to talk." My heart dropped, I could recognise that voice anywhere.

"What do we need to talk about Akamatsu? I thought I told you I didn't want to be around you anymore." 

"And I told you that I always get what I want. I want to know what the fuck happened to you to make you such a sissy." There was a short silence. I would be lying if I said I wasn't concerned for Shuichi's safety in the moment. "Who else is here?"

"Huh? I-I'm home alone?" Fuck he's such a bad liar that it physical hurts.

"Then why are there two plates here? Don't tell me you finally managed to kidnap the little crybaby!" What the fuck?

"I- uh- what?"

"Get that stupid look off your face. Anyway you're hanging out with me again. Understood?"

"No. I told you I'm not going to be around a bunch of horrible people like you and your- followers." Things were obviously getting heated since Shuichi had started to raise his voice.

"Horrible? Says the fucking stalker." I will fucking rip out all your fingernails if you keep yelling at Shuichi you soon-to-be flat-chested piano fucker.

"Shut the fuck up and get out Akamatsu."


Should I go down there? Shuichi said to stay here and he hasn't come to get me so it's not safe- but if he's in danger...  "I am not taking shit from scum like you, do you want me to make your life hell?"

"You know who my uncle is right? I can ruin your life in more ways than one." There was a long silence, it was weird hearing Shuichi be so threatening but it was impressive at the same time. "Get out." Shuichi concluded the argument as a door slammed. Footsteps soon ran towards my location so I silently closed the door and pretended I'd been sitting on the bed the entire time.

Shuichi stumbled in, tears staining his face. "Kokichi are you alright?"

I jumped up and ran towards him, holding him in a warm embrace. "I'm the one who should be asking you that! Who was at the door?" I led him to the bed so he could sit down and rubbed circles on his back to try and calm him down. I hope I'm doing this right. 

"Akamatsu, she wanted to talk about our friendship." He looked down, hiding his face as he wept.

The lighting of our new position shone on a faint pink mark on his face. "Did she hit you?" I felt anger boil deep down inside of me as he nodded, but tried to play it off as it being 'only a slap'. So that's what that snap was. "Is that why you're crying?" He shook his head.

"I called Kae- Akamatsu a horrible person, and I swore at her, and I threatened her." He stuttered out in between sobs. I knew he must be hurting. Momota and Akamatsu, his best friends in the killing game, were suddenly transformed into horrible bullies.

"It's okay that you did, because as much as I hate to say it... they're not the same people we knew. I know it's a hard truth but it's the only truth and it'll take time getting used to. Kaede was your best friend, Akamatsu is a bully. You remember what I said to you when I found that weird diary of yours?" He nodded, wiping his eyes. "The same applies here." 

He took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. "Thank you Kokichi, I didn't think you'd be able to calm me down so easily."

I let out a light hearted chuckle. "Don't exactly act the part, do I~?" He gave me a genuine smile, causing me to smile back.

"We should head to school, don't want to be late right?" I nodded, standing up and holding out a hand to help him up which he gently took. That's when I officially decided.

I'll do anything to make him happy.

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