~ 22 ~ New Rules

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Faint music from the radio was running through my head as I watched the passing world outside the car window. Shuichi was humming along to the music as he drove us home from the hospital since I was discharged the night after I woke up when they finished all their tests to check my memory and mental state, I don't know I wasn't paying attention.

"Kokichi, there's something I need to say." Oh God this is it. Is he going to break up with me? Kick me out of the house? Is he going to get me arrested for the drugs I never bought?

"Mhm? What's up Shu?" Externally, I was calm, but internally I was overflowing with anxiety. A bunch of thoughts ran through my head as I started panicking about what Shuichi could need to say to me.

"I don't want to come across as controlling... so if you don't agree to it then we won't do it, I promise." Um... where the fuck is this going?  "But... I don't want you to be on your own right now."

"Why?" I hissed through my teeth, failing to hide the anger in my voice at the thought of being controlled, since I was someone who liked my privacy from time to time.

"You don't have to if you don't want to! It's just... Gonta died- So that means..." Oh, so that's what this is about. I instantly calmed down at Shuichi's explanation as I realised he wasn't being possessive for no reason.

"Alright then, I don't mind! But on one condition!" I turned to face him, although he couldn't exactly take his eyes off the road to face me too. "You're the one watching me, no one else." 

I watched a smile appear across his face. "Wouldn't have it any other way."

"Oooone question though~!" I giggled at the thought, knowing I might make Shuichi flustered. He hummed in response, encouraging me to continue speaking. "What if I'm taking a shower? Or going to the bathroom? Are you going to join me~?" 

Taking pride in his beet-red face I couldn't help but giggle again while he stuttered for a response. "N-no! I'll just be n-nearby... so y-you can yell if s-something happens!"

I was glad he wouldn't be joining me for that stuff, although I'd never let him know that. I didn't want him to know how insecure I was about my body, I can barely handle looking at myself bare, much less handle someone else seeing me. As much as I hid that fact from others by acting super confident I always knew Shuichi could see through me, he always knew what was really going on. That's my Ultimate Detective for you.

Before I knew it we were back home. Shuichi grabbed my stuff, but not after a small back and forth between us on who would carry the belongings, and led me into the house. He was already treating me like a king again, not that I minded of course.  

"I need to go to the office to make a call for Shirogane... do you...?" I could tell Shuichi was hesitant to control my movements, but if this new rule was going to be put in place he was going to have to change. 

"If I don't want to do something I'll let you know okay?" Taking his hand, I led the both of us to his office after he placed our belongings on a table. I was hoping to help him see that I was comfortable with his rule, it would be a pretty big change for both of us emotionally but it's for the best, even though I could never die, no way!

Swinging my feet in my chair I waited for Shuichi to finish his call. It was boring since I didn't bring my phone or anything to do, and I didn't really care about what Shuichi was saying. I don't like boring things. Why does it take so long just to get a cop to watch a possible serial killer, shouldn't they be all over them?

I jumped up and sat in Shuichi's lap after he ended the call, he planted a kiss on my cheek and opened YouTube on the second monitor that he wasn't using. "Here, I know you're getting bored so you can watch videos while I sort something out, I shouldn't be too long." I grabbed the sides of his face and kissed him deeply, giggling when I pulled away.

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