~ 2 ~ Danganronpa Memories

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⚠️~TW~⚠️ Bullying/Fighting, Mention of Death.


"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled as I slammed my fist into the quiet but fucking annoying alarm clock, looking around the familiar room and furrowing my brows in confusion. When did I get back home?  I let out a long sigh and stared at my suddenly very interesting roof. I had to get ready for school and definitely talk to Rantaro about what was going on. If he skips school today I'm going to have guacamole for dinner.

I threw the thin blanket onto the floor and slowly got up, not really wanting to go to school. Pulling open my closet I grabbed my school uniform and changed into it, just as my hand wrapped around the closet door to close it I noticed an out of place suitcase tucked away in the corner. Yanking out the suitcase and opening it, it revealed a familiar checkered scarf and white uniform. I gently picked up the scarf and shoved the suitcase back into the closet, shutting it away again. 

The cloth lay limp in my hand as I stared at it. Should I put it on? Would that bring too much attention to me?  Not needing to think too much about it before coming to a decision, I put the scarf on, memories of DICE played like a film in my mind which brought a genuine smile to my face. I always wished I could see them again, but they were so far away, ever since my family moved house to go to a new 'oh so fancy and prestigious and amazing  school', I hadn't seen anyone from that group, but we did talk sometimes. I was their leader after all.

Snapping out of my trance I looked over at my alarm clock and cursed under my breath, it was 7:30. If I wanted to talk to Rantaro about everything I had to hurry. Jumping over to my dresser I smoothed down my hair in the mirror and hurriedly put in my contact. I ran downstairs and double checked I had everything I needed before leaving and making my way to school.


"So let me get this straight, you participated in Danganronpa? And you randomly woke up this morning and remembered it?" The greenette across from me was leant forward with his elbows on his knees, staring into my soul with what I deduced as a mix of confusion and concern. He might've been overwhelmed with all the new information of the new season of Danganronpa I had dumped on him.

"Yep! I woke up this morning and BAM, memories! Pretty cool huh?" I chuckled slightly, putting my hands behind my head and leaned back against the wall.

"So what happened to you in game?"

I stared blankly at him, arms dropping into my lap. I don't want him to think ill of me, how will he feel about me if he knows I was a victim, even if he was too he might think horribly of me. I did make Momota kill me though, so it's not like I was overpowered. Rantaro's voice quickly snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Got it, so who killed you?"

I blinked at him before letting out a way too dramatic sigh. "I made it that obvious huh? Guess I'm losing my touch." I let out another chuckle. "Anyway I made Momota kill me while I was pretending to be him, and he pretended to be me at the class trial. It'll make more sense when the season comes out."

Rantaro just stared at me for a few long seconds before letting out a sudden chuckle of his own.

"Hey! What the fuck is so funny?!" I exclaimed maybe I bit too loudly.

"Well it makes sense for Momota to be the one to ki- hang on." I tilted my head slightly in confusion as Rantaro cut himself off. "You just fucking swore."

"So did you! Die sinner!" I attempted to throw my heavy bag at him and smirked, my bag only landing just before his feet. Rantaro jokingly rolled his eyes at me as he threw my bag next to me as if it weighed nothing. Ironic that he's the one with good aim.

Memories {Oumasai/Saiouma}Where stories live. Discover now