~ 3 ~ Detention

501 26 15

⚠️~TW~⚠️ Self depreciation, Slight bullying.


Akamatsu was sitting in the chair opposite the principal with an ice pack just under her newly bruised eye, and from what parts of her face I could see, it looked like she had been full on bawling. Chabashira the Ultimate Feminist was sitting next to her rubbing her hand and glaring daggers at me.

I'm not getting out of this one.

"Ah Mr. Ouma, please take a seat." The principal gestured towards a seat at the side of the room, a metre {~3 ft for you Americans} away from the girls yet not next to the principal. It was probably to prevent us fighting again.

"Can you tell me what happened?" He looked at me and immediately I felt anger boiling up inside of me. I've always despised being looked at like that, like I'm a young child who doesn't know right from wrong, like a young child who likes to absentmindedly play with sharp things, like a young fucking child who accidentally fucking stabbed someone. I am not a child and I do not need to be treated as such, especially from a man who will most likely ignore my story just because of the 'poor, little, crying, defenceless girl'.

"I was defending myself." I didn't want to say too much in case I got angry, and getting angry at the principal wouldn't help me at all. I was most likely going to get punished for hurting Akamatsu anyway, she had an injury and I didn't after all and I was not going to bring Rantaro into this mess just to save my own ass.

"How so?"

I paused for a moment before answering. Do I lie or tell the truth? Maybe I might win if I tell him what actually happened. "She slapped my friend."

A sudden sob sounded throughout the room as Akamatsu started fake crying. As much as I hated her... new personality, I had to admire her acting abilities. "I didn't hurt anyone! I could never do that!"

"Chabashira can you take Akamatsu outside to calm down? Take as long as you need." The principal's voice was full of concern as he looked at Akamatsu with sorrow and pity, it made me sick. Of course he can't see her act, school staff never fucking do. As soon as the door shut behind the girls the principal faced me again with that same concerned, parent-like look he gave me before. "Ouma, did Akamatsu really slap a friend of yours?" I simply nodded in response. For a few seconds him and I stared at each other before he spoke. "I need you to tell me the truth. What really happened?"

"I told you what happened. Akamatsu slapped my friend and I defended us by punching her." Here we go. Poor little sweet Kaede could never hurt someone, so I'm the liar. Lie this lie that I'm always lying and I'm always the fucking loser, the joke of the group. It's always my fault because everyone else always acts like little fucking angels and everyone is too scared of them to speak up. It's funny how the better the school, the worse the kids.

"Ouma, tell me the truth. If you do then you won't get in trouble okay?" Bullshit. And stop talking to me like a fucking child. 

"I told you the truth." I instantly regretted speaking. I accidentally let my anger get to me, and the principal clearly heard it through my tone. He sighed and turned in his chair, rolling over to his computer and doing God knows what. The only sounds in the room were the clicking and typing from the principal's computer before he turned to face me, his face very serious.

"You will attend detention after school today for violence towards peers and threatening staff."

I couldn't believe it. I was getting punished for nothing. I admit I maybe over reacted but she made the first move! I mumbled quietly under my breath as I got up to leave. "Excuse me? What did you say young man?" I turned and glared at the horrible excuse of a man sitting before me. "I said. This. Is. Fucking. Bullshit." I hissed and walked out of the room despite the calls from the shithead behind me, making sure to slam the door for a little added effect.

"Awe does the poor baby have detention?" Two girls laughed. I knew who the voices belonged to, I knew they would be listening. Akamatsu was smirking and Chabashira was standing in front of her, protecting her from me maybe? Did Akamatsu tell her twisted story to her too? I ignored the girls as I started walking back to class, but quickly ended up changing route as the siren rung. I gritted my teeth as I walked to the room where detention takes place (which was just an ordinary English classroom), ignoring all the weird looks and mocking laughs from other passing students rushing out of the classrooms.

I got to the door and kicked it open, maybe a bit too forcefully as I made the teacher inside jump in fright. I didn't care, I was still full of anger and it was only growing worse. "Kokichi Ouma I assume. Please hand over your phone and take a seat. You can leave in an hour." I handed over my phone and threw myself in a seat at the back. An hour huh? Mum and Dad said they'd  be home this morning, so they'll notice me get home over an hour late. This will be interesting. I rested my head in my arms on the desk and tried to fall asleep, maybe it would make time pass quicker, but that idea was quickly shut down as I heard someone shout "no sleeping." I groaned and leant back in my chair, staring at the slightly cracked roof and tracing them with my eyes.

My head shot towards the front of the room as the teacher suddenly jumped up and walked to the door. "I have to leave for a few minutes, I'll be back soon so don't go anywhere and no sleeping." She spat out before walking out the door. There was no point getting in any more trouble than necessary so I just leant back against the wall in my chair again and continued to trace the cracks in the roof. I heard the door slowly creak open and assumed it was just the teacher checking on me quickly so I didn't look up, until I heard a familiar voice.

"So you remember too huh?"

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