~ 13 ~ Rantaro the Ultimate Matchmaker

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"Either of you two doin' anythin' tonight?" Our trio was happily eating our lunch and chatting between us.

"I am if you're planning on getting high." I rolled my eyes at Rantaro knowing full well that he didn't actually do drugs, he just got called 'Human Weed' once a few years earlier so it's now one of our little jokes.

"Um... you shouldn't do drugs..." Rantaro and I immediately burst out into laughter at Shuichi's meek response, he was so pure and shy it was funny most of the time and adorable all the time. "W-what are you guys laughing at?!" 

"Don't worry about it Shuichi. Anyway I was just curious if you guys wanted to go to the cinema after school? There's a pretty cool movie showing tonight." I looked at Shuichi and we both nodded at each other. 

"Alright we're down Big Bro. What time? And what movie is it?"

"Let's meet up at the back of the school when the bell rings so we can leave straight away, and don't worry about the movie you'll find out when we get there." Rantaro held a mischievous smirk on his face. I narrowed my eyes in a glare. Just what is he planning?


"Shouldn't he be here by now?" Shuichi nodded. I was concerned with the fact we had been waiting ten minutes and Rantaro wasn't anywhere to be seen. His class was on the other side of the school on the first floor though, so it made sense for him to be late, but he hasn't been before. Before I could start panicking though a familiar green haired bitch ran up to us. 

"Sorry I'm late! Actually I'll have to meet you guys at the cinema, I have to do something really quick at home." He panted , doubled over to catch his breath. Did he fucking run all the way here? Idiot.

"There's something called texting." I mumbled under my breath, pinching the bridge of my nose.

Rantaro rolled his eyes. "Have fun!" Shuichi and Rantaro shared a short bro hug and I swear I saw Shuichi mouth something to him before the avocado ran off. Shuichi then turned to me and made my brain melt from his beautiful smile that, if you couldn't tell, I was absolutely enamoured with. "Shall we go then? If you and Rantaro want movie snacks we should go to the store first." I nodded, still in a slight haze as we walked off side by side.


"So what movie do you think we're seeing Shumai? What if Rantaro chose 50 Shades of Grey~?" I smirked, feeling accomplished by Shuichi's rosy blush as he spluttered and covered his face in embarrassment. We were waiting outside the cinema for Rantaro to hurry his ass up, since he was the one with all the information which for some reason he had been hiding from us since lunch. Shuichi and I were interrupted by a soft ping from his pocket which he answered lightning quick.

Shuichi hurriedly shoved his phone back into his pocket and before I knew it he had pulled me to the counter and bought tickets for a movie. We went into the cinema listed on the tickets and found our seats, luckily there weren't many people in the theatre so we could easily talk quietly without anyone overhearing us.

"Is Rantaro meeting us here or...?" I was really confused, everything happened in an instant so if Shuichi had explained anything on the way then I wasn't paying attention at all.

"Oh right, sorry I kind of just dragged you here without saying anything didn't I?" He awkwardly chuckled to himself. "Rantaro had, uh, something come up, so he can't make it today."

I let out a groan. "You tell the most obvious lies Shumai I swear." His eyes widened as he started stuttering over a bunch of different excuses. I held up my finger to quieten him. "Shuichi just tell me the truth." He covered his eyes with his hat, mumbling.

"I t-told you, he had something come up." I leaned over the arm rest separating us and got my face close to his, our noses almost touching. Of course I was just messing with him and pretending to think about what he was saying, but I knew he was still lying. I also might have wanted an excuse to get really close to him, even for a split second.

With a massive smile on my face I rapidly jumped back to my side of the arm rest. "Okay then~! Anywayyyy what movie are we watching?" Shuichi shook his head to seemingly snap out of a small trance and showed me one of the cinema tickets. I looked at the name on it, which I didn't recognise but then again I never watched movies. "Never heard of it. What's it about?"

"Well, it's kind of a romance I guess? The leader of the largest mafia in the country and the best detective in the country fall in love and they start dating while hiding it from the world and their jobs. I'd tell you more but I don't want to spoil it." He looked down in his lap while explaining, clearly still embarrassed.

"Sounds familiar don'cha think~?" I smirked and gently nudged his arm with my elbow, taking pride in his still tomato-red face. The lights in the room dimmed as the movie started, making Shuichi go silent as I ate all the popcorn during the adverts.


Pink skies shone down on us as we left the cinema, but I wasn't focusing on that. I was focusing on Shuichi as he went on about how good the movie was. A scene from the movie flashed through my mind as I got an idea and slowly reached my hand out to grab his, intertwining our fingers together. The ground was very interesting to me as we walked, and I could tell he looked over at me since he unfortunately stopped talking. I felt him squeeze my hand gently and heard him chuckle.

"You know if you wanted to hold my hand you could've just asked~." My heart started beating through my chest from his tone. I refused to look up or say anything since I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up my usual act since my brain was fried from the confidence it took just to hold hands with him.

Arriving back home I bolted to the first room I could think of as soon as I stepped through the front door and faceplanted on the bed, consumed with a mix of embarrassment, exhaustion and euphoria. I let out a scream that was unintentionally muffled by the blankets.

"Kokichi? What's the matter?" Shuichi called from the doorway. I rolled over to stare at the ceiling and covered my face with a Monokuma pillow. I couldn't help but kick my feet in excitement as I was pretty proud that I got the courage to hold Shuichi's hand. It wasn't a big thing for most people, but it was massive for me. I'd never been in a relationship and when it came to love I was quite shy, worse than Shuichi in social situations.

I felt the bed dip next to me accompanied with Shuichi's chuckle as he slowly removed my hands from my face. "You know, gay panics only really work when you're not in your crush's room."

"'My crush's room?' What exactly does that mean?" He sighed and rolled his eyes playfully, still holding on to my wrists. 

"No need to play dumb, Kokichi~ Rantaro told me everything~" I glared at Shuichi in a rage that wasn't actually aimed at him, but Rantaro wasn't around for me to glare at so Shuichi had to suffer. A bitch gonna have guacamole tonight.  "Don't be mad at him, he was helping me out. I wanted to ask you on a date but didn't know how to do it... so... he came up with the movies." I noticed his face slowly get more flushed as he talked, it was cute. "So uh, did you enjoy our d-date?"

A smile spread from ear to ear as I pulled myself into a sitting position, using Shuichi's hold on me to do so. "Of course I enjoyed it! It was amazing, even if the movie made it a bit obvious!"

He raised his eyebrows at me. "Was it though? Did you really pick up on the hints?" I gasped in fake offence.

"Of course I did! What kind of person do you take me for?!"

"A lying one~" I sighed in defeat.

"You really are a good detective Shumai~"

I looked back at him and noticed he was slowly leaning towards me. Is he doing what I think he is?  Sparks flew around us as his soft lips touched mine. I felt my heart drop as he pulled away soon after, the both of us blushing immensely. "I love you.. Kichi."

"I love you too... Shu~!" I slipped my wrists from his grip and held his face, pulling him in for more kisses.

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