~ 25 ~ Shuichi Breaks the Law... Again

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We were finally close to the DICE headquarters, it should've been a two hour trip, maybe two and a half, but it took three hours thanks to my nerves that Shuichi had to attempt to calm down. The both of us were singing along to a playlist of our favourite music since the ride itself was really boring and it's kind of awkward being in a car with someone and no one talks.

I glanced out of the car window to see a familiar shop, awakening my nerves again from deep inside the pit of my mind. Subconsciously my leg started bouncing and I stopped singing, instead just thinking out the worst scenarios and staring out the window as we passed the familiar buildings and roads. I felt a gentle hand on my thigh, causing me to flinch and snap my head to look at its occupant. No matter how long I'd been with Shuichi, I still couldn't get used to being touched suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Shuichi briefly took his eyes off the road to look at me, giving me an adorable smile that instantly sent a wave of calm through me. I'm safe right now, right? So there's no need to lie right now...

"What if this was a bad idea? What if they hate me for leaving them? What if they don't want to see me again? What if-"

"Kokichi, everything will be fine, you said they messaged you, right? So why wouldn't they want to see you? Trust me, it'll go well." He moved his hand from my thigh to my hand.

I sighed and squeezed his hand, closing my eyes and leaning my head against the headrest, secretly hoping to get a small nap in before we arrived. That idea was quickly beaten down as I felt the car jolt to a stop and heard Shuichi shift the car into park. Opening my eyes, I looked around and realised I was correct. Nerves and excitement filled my body as my eyes landed on the small abandoned warehouse across the road from the shopping centre we were parked at.

After annoyingly jumping around the car waiting for Shuichi to grab our belongings, the both of us walked around the abandoned warehouse to the back entrance, meeting with a large chain link fence that provides as much defence as a fly in a forest. "Kokichi are you sure we're in the right place?" 

"Of course we are! Is my baby Shuichi scared of a little old, creepy warehouse?~" I chuckled.

"N-no! But... are we even allowed to go in there?"

"Nope!" I grinned as I landed on the other side of the fence. "Now hurry up Shu or we'll be caught!" I understood his worry though, looking at the warehouse it looked like a place in a horror movie where the main characters go in and find a bunch of dead bodies.

He rolled his eyes while smiling as he jumped the fence behind me, sliding his bag under the fence behind him. I grabbed his hand as tight as I could and pulled him around a corner to the secret entrance, loudly knocking on the metal door in a very specific rhythm that any DICE member would recognise. I swayed back and forth as I waited for the answer that never came.

"Maybe they're not here?" Shuichi whispered, putting his hand on my shoulder to calm my obvious anxiety that was mounting up after every passing second.

"No. There's always at least two people here outside of school, plus I got the message only a few hours ago so why wouldn't they wait here?" My gut was telling me something horrifying was waiting for me behind the newly reinforced door, but I pushed that feeling deep down as I jumped up and grabbed a ledge, climbing up onto it.

Shuichi, although clearly hesitant and inexperienced, followed me up as I continued to climb the humongous wall, shoving my shoes into the small cracks in the wall and jumping from ledge to ledge. Jumping to the large windowsill, I looked up at the broken window that I used in the past whenever the door jammed or I was the first to arrive.

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