~ 8 ~ You're Beautiful

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⚠️~TW~⚠️Death, Gore/Violence, Self Depreciation.


My entire body was shaking, I could barely breathe all I felt good for was crying until I died. DICE, Shuichi, Rantaro. They were all gone, in front of me blood poured out of every single corpse spread all over the floor and up the walls, one of the DICE members was even pinned to the roof and dripping blood onto some of the others' bodies. I wiped my face, holding back the tears that were building up in my eyes and surveyed the room around me until my gaze fell upon a lone door at the end of a very long hallway behind me.

"Y̴̹̟̪͖̻̘͇̬͖̐̔̒͌̀̈͜ò̶̢̢̻̝̱̦̯̙̠̿̈́̋̇͒̕͝͠ͅư̵̲̺̳̤̮̫͚͉͚̞̅̽̓̈̽̆̈́͠ ̸̹̽́̚̕c̶̢̖̗͓͇͍̬͒͂̈́̈́̉́̐̋͛̚ͅạ̴̛̿̀̑̎̑͊͂n̸̝͍̫͓̋̊̌̏͝ͅ'̸̧̝̫͙̪͎̪͌͗̈̏͂̾̌t̵͕͆͋ ̷̤͇̥͎̠̭͓̟͓͇̊̓̎̕ę̸͇̟̼̜̹͚͗́͌̾̈̍̊͊̋͝s̵̨̡̞̗̭̊̇c̸̨͈̪̭̙̯͔͍̜͔͋̈́̓͊̎̃́̒͛a̶͓̘̘̮̼͙̹̳͚̹͊̎p̵̛͉̗̩̜̱̰͓̥̖͛͛̊̿̿̀̆͘͝e̸̛̳̦̠̻̻̥̪̞̱͔͊͛̐͋͑̂ ̶̗̟̠͇̈̀͗̈́̉̾d̸̼̭̟͑͑̾̐̈́͋̑e̸̩̮̤̳̦̭͋̽̕̕a̴̢̛̠͎̬͎͓̣͊̑̒ẗ̷̜̠͚͚̣́̆̈́̀h̸̰̯̽̄̓͊̈́͜͝ ̷̡̛̼̙̳̗̝͎̤̳̝̌̉K̸̢̡̡̧̞̱̺͚͍̉́͛̈́̌̚ó̸͉̺̈́͛̎̈̈́͌̒͋k̷̡͔̪̉͌̾̏̅̒́́i̸̻͖̝̗͖̰͖̫̿̿̈́͆́̔̾̿̂̉c̸̢̢͉͇̏h̸̟͍̭͓̝̦̓̉͒́͋̔̀̈̇í̸̬̼̿̅͗͐̈͠~̵̩̮̅͋̌̚͜"

A robotic voice sounded from the room I had just turned away from. Full of fear and a new-found adrenaline I glanced behind me and saw... an Exisal? Just like in the killing game except the cover was coloured a mix of red, green, yellow, blue and pink. The Exisal raised its 'fist' and smashed it into the ground between us, creating a hole leading to a supposedly bottomless pit, however I didn't want to find out whether there was actually a bottom to it or not. I couldn't think, all I knew is I needed to run, and immediately. Facing back to the hallway I booked it and started running as fast as I could to the door, the hallway seemed to get longer and longer as the Exisal chased me. The world was shaking and crashing behind me from the killing machine.

I reached the door and rammed into it at full speed, causing it to swing open and me to fall through. All there was on the other side was another void which I was now falling through. I watched below me as I fell, seeing nothing but pitch black enveloping me. I closed my eyes as I accepted my inevitable death, the Exisal was right.

A loud groan of machinery shot my eyes open for me as I came face to face with one of the worst moments I'd ever experienced. A large slab of metal was slowly descending to crush my body, I tried to move but I couldn't... at all. I tried as hard as I could to roll out of the hydraulic press but to no avail so I tried to scream out for help from someone, anyone. Someone had to hear me, but I had no voice. More and more tears poured from my eyes as the press came closer and closer. 

I was going to die again. I couldn't breathe. I started shaking. I cried out, desperate to break past whatever barrier was holding my voice back in my throat. Laughter caused me to scan the room as my eyes found the source, my parents were near the button that controlled the press, laughing and watching in joy as I lay on my death bed. 

"Kokichi!" I heard my name being called, but couldn't find the source. 

"Kokichi it's going to be okay." No it isn't, I'm about to die.

"It's alright, just stay calm." I am calm, now that I've accepted my death I'm content. No one wanted me anyway, so what would the world be with one less annoying little runt? I closed my eyes again, waiting for the world to end around me.

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