~ 18 ~ Strand of Artistic Aikido

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⚠️~TW~⚠️ Argument, Implication of Psychosis.



What the fuck?


Shuichi and I groaned in unison as we both woke up. He sat up and slowly answered the phone, his voice was slightly deeper than usual, it's kinda hot-  As he talked to the person on the other line I rubbed my eyes to try and wake myself up properly, since I wasn't going to get back to sleep anyway. Looking at the clock on the wall I could just make out the time was 2:43am in the dim lighting from the phone. Who the fuck is calling Shuichi at this hour?

"Okay see you soon." He hung up the phone and placed it back down, getting up and stretching.

"Who was it?" I wouldn't say I was jealous per say, just... okay yeah I was jealous.

Shuichi sat back on the bed and kissed me. "Something... happened." He looked away from me, avoiding eye contact. 

"Explain..." He really wasn't giving me much to work with. What he said could've meant anything.

He hesitated, grabbing my hand in his. "We tried Kichi, but Tojo got in an 'accident'..." He held up bunny ears around the word 'accident', I immediately knew what he meant. I clenched my eyes shut, trying to hold back the frog in my throat. I felt a pair of arms embrace me. "Do you want to know what happened?" I nodded into his shoulder. 

"This is all information from the officer surveying Tojo, the one who just called. She went to a rock concert and apparently a lot of people there were drinking, so when the concert ended you can imagine the chaos. There's a large staircase to the actual concert area and the officer saw someone trip, they fell down and took four others with them. Three people were seriously injured and two... didn't make it... including Tojo." 

I stared at him in disbelief. "How does that even kill someone?"

"There were a lot of broken booze bottles, the other victim got impaled with a few of them, Tojo fell off the edge of the staircase and... well apparently she landed on her head and..." He trailed off, not like I needed him to continue anyway, I got the picture. I couldn't help the tears from running down my face as I started to silently cry. Kirumi... she's gone now... again.

Unable to hold back anymore, I buried my face into Shuichi's chest and sobbed, gripping his shirt in my fists. I started to calm down as he rubbed circles on my back with one hand and played with my hair in the other while he whispered encouragements to me.

"Kichi, I need to go investigate. Do you want to come?" I shook my head, pulling back from him and looking down at my hands while I played with them. "Will you be okay on your own?"

I nodded, looking up at him as he left the room to get changed into some proper clothes. I stared off into space as my tears dried, I stopped focusing, I was aware of everything around me, but I started to become... detached, nothing seemed real. I hate this. I need to come back into my head. Shuichi help me, I can't come back.

As if hearing my silent pleas for help Shuichi walked into the room and instantly came over to me, rubbing my shoulders. I could see him speaking, I could hear him, but I couldn't process what he was saying. I suddenly managed to shake my head and smile at him. "What were you saying Shu?" He pulled me into a hug.

"Sorry for leaving, I should've realised you'd disassociate. Do you want me to stay with you?" I quickly shook my head.

"No, you need to investigate. I'm fine!" I smiled more and rested my hands behind my head.

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