~ 17 ~ Piranha Frenzy

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⚠️~TW~⚠️ Suicide.


"The game isn't over." I turned back around and started skipping on our way home again, listening to the footsteps behind me as Shuichi hurried to catch up to me.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

I sighed dramatically as I unlocked the door with my spare key, terrified that I might've been right but I couldn't let Shuichi know that. I had to act calm like I did in the game, but it was more difficult when I didn't have someone controlling my thoughts and actions. It'll be hard to pull it off. I don't want to lie to my boyfriend of all people but maybe it's for the best? If things are going to happen just like they did before then I'll-

"Kichi?" I shook myself out of my trance, realising I had just been staring at the key in the lock the entire time.

"Yesssss Shumai~? Were you asking if I wanted to fu-"

"NO!" He cut me off before I could finish my sentence. He reached to push open the door from behind me as a distraction so I ran in and jumped on the couch, turning to wait for him to follow me. "Kokichi?" He appeared around the corner in a state of confusion, his face looked as if he saw someone teleport in front of his eyes.

"SHU!" I jumped off the couch, running over and hugging him tight. "I've been waiting for you all day~! I've been so lonely!" I fake cried into his chest.

Shuichi sighed and kissed the top of my head. "Kichi, I love you, and you're adorable, but you need to explain what you said earlier." I groaned.

"Fiiiiine!" I pulled Shuichi to the couch and sat him down so I could sit in his lap and cuddle him. "So, I figured this was obvious, even for you~" Shuichi rolled his eyes and lightly flicked my forehead. 

"Go on."

"Well, even though there's only been two victims, think about the order of them. Rantaro then Akamatsu, right? And think about the way they died, I doubt it's coincidence."

We sat in silence for a minute, Shuichi had wrapped his arms around me as I lay on his chest.

"Kokichi... are you sure you're not just overthinking this?"

"What makes you think I am?" I frowned.

"It's just a far reach don't you think? The game's over now, why would the mastermind be killing people in real life when they have a popular show?"

I pulled out the pale pink phone from my pocket which received a weird look from Shuichi. "Why do you have Akamatsu's phone?" I replied by playing the weird voicemail I came to know so well. As it finished I noticed Shuichi holding his chin, hopefully he was starting to understand what I was hinting at.

"If the game is starting again... then that means-" He was cut off by his phone ringing. I nodded at him to tell him to answer it.

"Hello?" I felt awkward just sitting there so I got up off his lap and went to grab one of my lovely grape Pantas while Shuichi wasn't looking. He didn't like me drinking them as much as I did so he decided to give me a limit of two per day, which was no where near enough for me to keep living.

A small groan caused me to spin around, but the cause of the sound was just Shuichi standing at the doorway, no longer talking on the phone. "Kokichi, how many is that now?"

I quickly attempted to chug the entire bottle of soda before he could take it off me, instantly regretting it as I doubled over on the ground in a coughing fit with Shuichi patting my back. I stopped dying after a minute and rolled over on my back, groaning in pain. "Are you done yet?"

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