~ 6 ~ Diary

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⚠️~TW~⚠️Child Abuse


It had been about half an hour since I had started crying and I still hadn't stopped. Something had made Mum mad while I was out, so when I had arrived home from the park with Shuichi she took her anger out on me, adding two or three bruises to my torso. I lay curled up on my bed as the tears continued to soak my bedsheets but I was interrupted by the loud chime of the doorbell ringing through the house. I ran to my bedroom door and peeked out of it, not that I could see anything from upstairs but maybe I would be able to hear better since I was curious to who was at the door as people never usually came to the house.

All I heard though was footsteps getting louder and louder, so I leaped back over to my bed and grabbed my homework to pretend that I was working on it the entire time. Just as I did, Mum walked into my room. "Someone is here for you so suck it up and don't keep them waiting." She grabbed the hoodie I was wearing earlier that I had dumped on the floor and threw it at me. "And cover up those ugly bruises." I threw my hoodie back on, wiped my face and speed-walked to the front door, expecting to see Rantaro, but confusion flowed through me when Shuichi was standing there.

"Hey Ouma." He raised an eyebrow at me, probably concerned about my puffy, red eyes. His eyes flicked behind me for a split second. What did he look at?  "I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house to help me on my project for school? You're good in the subject and I need help." What's he talking about? He never mentioned a project before, I would've thought he's an A student in school too.

My mum spoke up from behind me making me jump since I didn't realise she was there. Thank God I haven't said anything yet, that wouldn't have gone well. "He would love to!" She elbowed my back gently, nudging me forward towards Shuichi. He quickly spoke up as if he had just had a new idea and put on what was obviously a fake smile. Hopefully Mum won't see through it, for his sake.

"Actually Ma'am, would it be okay if Kokichi slept over at my house tonight so we can work on the project tomorrow too? It would give us more time since it's due on Monday, and there's no way I can get it done on my own by then. It's already been okayed by my parents if that's a worry." Not a perfect lie, but pretty good considering it's coming from Shuichi. I awkwardly stared at Shuichi while waiting for my mum to speak and judging from the silence, she was thinking hard about the proposition. 

"That's okay with me, if Kokichi trusts you then so do I. Kokichi, take your friend to your room and pack an overnight bag." She leaned in over my shoulder and gripped my arm tightly, whispering in my ear just low enough so only I could hear her. "If I hear anything about you misbehaving then you best be prepared when you come home." I put on my best smile and waved Shuichi inside, turning around to lead him to my room, cringing at the sickly sweet smile reserved for guests that my mother had stuck on her face.

Showing Shuichi into my room, I followed him in and immediately apologised. "Sorry about the mess." I emptied out my schoolbag and replaced everything with spare clothes, a few school supplies (to play along with Shuichi's lie), some toiletries and any extra things I'd need. Just the basic sleepover stuff. 

"It's fine, my room is ten times worse honestly. I should've cleaned it before I came over, sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking around the room like the awkward Shyhara he was. I didn't reply, just in case Mum was listening in and would tell me off for talking for no reason. After I thought I had everything I would need, I flung the bag over my shoulder and smiled at Shuichi. 

"Alright! I've packed everything! Sorry for taking so long." He smiled back at me, making my heart feel- weird, for some reason I didn't understand.

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