Chapter Thirty-One: Whore

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I crawled through the portrait hole and saw Katie sitting at a table in the corner of the room, staring at her essay.

"You know I totally forgot about this until a minute ago." I said, sitting next to her.

She didn't look at me. "Well I just finished, so I'm going to head upstairs."

"Was it hard?"

"Ya, I actually had to go and ask Professor Lupin for help on it."

"Oh, what he'd say?"

"I don't remember."

I chuckled a bit, "Well when did you ask him?"

"Just a few minutes before you got back." She finally turned to look at me, her eyes glaring. "Looks like you had fun with Gabriel."


"You have a hickey." She said coldly before grabbing her things and going upstairs without another word.

"Geez," I muttered, what was her problem?


I tried to cover up the hickey with makeup the best I could the following morning but to my dismay, the purple bruise was still fairly visible. I put my hair down and sighed, this would have to do. I left and walked by myself towards the Defense classroom for my first class of the day. I had choosen to skip breakfast in order to get some extra sleep since I had ended up staying up half the night to finish my stupid cock-blocking essay.

I ended up being the first one there, as everyone else was still coming up from the Great Hall. Remus smiled at me as I entered.

"Essays done, hope you're happy."

"I am actually." His smile grew wider as if to prove his point.

"Mhmm, and look at this." I threw my hair back and turned to show him the mark he had left the previous night."

His smile vanished, "Sorry about that, I suppose I got a bit carried away."

"You don't say." I scoffed.

"Apology muffin?" He said, holding out what looked to be a blueberry muffin.

"You noticed I wasn't at breakfast?"

"Of course I did. And I was hoping you'd get here a bit before everyone else so you could at least have something to eat."

I rolled my eyes but I was smiling as I took it from him, "Alright I suppose I forgive you for branding me and then chucking me out."

He laughed loudly, "Chucking you out?"

"Yup, just ch-" Before I could finish my sentence a few Ravenclaws walked in.

It was a group of girls who I knew to be friends Eliza Murphy, the girl Tyler had slept with when we were together. They were giggling as they walked in, one of them stopped just long enough to say "Good morning Professor Lupin."

Eric was the next one in, and to my surprise he was by himself.

"Morning Viv." He said, sitting across from me.

"Morning! Where are the other two?"

"Not sure, Katie was in a right mood at breakfast though."

"Ya, she was last night too. Do you know what's going on?"

"No, I was hoping you did." He rolled his eyes, "Well if you don't know that at least means it's not about something I did."

Tyler and Katie walked in together a few minutes later.

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