Chapter Twenty-Three: Distraction

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I smiled up at Remus before leaving the Great Hall, happy knowing that I would see him soon.

My friends got up with me, and just as we were walking into the corridor Tyler grabbed my attention. "Headed to the library, Viv?"

"Yup, just like always."

"Awesome, I'll come with you!"

"Are you sure?" I asked, trying not to let my disappointment come through too much. "You know we'll be doing homework, right?"

"Ya, I know," He said, slightly confused.

"Alright," I shrugged, "I didn't know you did homework."

"For your information, I do at least half of my homework most weeks." He said smugly.

I rolled my eyes but let him follow me down to the library. Although I'd have rather spent the evening cuddled up with my boyfriend in front of the fire, I did get a large chunk of my work done, so I couldn't complain too much.

To my suprise Tyler got a lot of work done as well. In fact, Tyler worked on his homework non-stop that night, and the next night, and the next night.

Finally it was Friday and I was sure that Tyler would be off doing something fun, so I couldn't help but smile as we walked out of dinner. I turned to leave my friends, and heard Tyler's voice call to me once more, "Wait up, I'll come with you."

I turned on my heel, "Seriously? You want to spend your Friday night in the library?"

"Is that okay?" He asked wearily.

I sighed, "Of course it's okay, why wouldn't it be okay?"

I dragged my feet the entire way there, hoping at some point he would change his mind, but I wasn't that lucky. I watched Tyler in the library, once again he was just working on homework and back work. He wasn't speaking or messing around or trying to flirt with me, he was just working.

"What's wrong with you?" I finally asked.

"What do you mean?"

I gestured at his homework, "You're doing homework, on a Friday night, in the library, with me, who you haven't even tried to hit on once. So what's wrong with you?"

His mouth slid into a smirk, "I can definitely hit on you if that's what is making you upset."

"I'm not upset, I'm just confused."

"I have a lot of work to catch up on, that's all."

We didn't say anything else for the rest of the night.


After breakfast the next day I tried leaving my friends to go to Remus's office, but as I turned to leave, Tyler's voice echoed behind me, "Where ya headed to Viv?"

I plastered a grin on my face, "I need to talk to Professor Lupin, I didn't do very well on the last quiz and I want to ask him about extra-credit opportunities."

Despite being well behind Tyler and I, and in a conversation of his own, Eric's head snapped towards me, "Lupin's offering extra credit? Can I come with you?"

"Me too!" Katie smiled.

"I could use some extra-credit!" Tyler added.

"Great!" I said, trying to hide my frustration as much as possible. I loved my friends but they really needed to sod off.

We walked as a group to Remus's office, and gently knocked on the door. "Come in," the professor yelled from inside. I opened the door and his eyes lit up, "V-"

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