Chapter Thirty-Three: The Bucket List

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Remus and I hardly got any sleep last night, we were both too worried about what Katie might do. I went down to breakfast before him the next morning as to not rouse anymore suspicion. The Great Hall was almost empty when I got down there, except for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. By the looks of it they had all just gotten back in from an early morning practice.

I walked over and sat down next to Cedric, since Annie was blocked in by her teammates.

"Smudge! We heard you two were back on the up and up. Good thing too, we were all really starting to miss you." Cedric smiled up at me as I sat down.

"Thanks Diggory, I missed you guys too. Except Anthony of course." I joked.

"Makes sense." Micheal and Malcom said in unison. I stared at them, I was used to the Weasley twins doing this but for some reason I found it very creepy coming from the Hufflepuffs.

"Hey!" Shouted Anthony, pushing Malcom into Annie.

She just laughed, "So what are you doing over here? Katie still cranky?"

"I'm sure she is. I haven't seen her yet today though. Turns out you were right."

"Right about what?" She asked before taking a swig of pumpkin juice.

"Katie knows the truth about Gabriel."

The pumpkin juice that she had just drank spit out of her mouth and sprayed Cedric in the face.

"Merlin, sorry Ced." She looked at me, "Do you want to take a walk?"

Before I could answer, Malcolm asked "Who's Gabriel?"

"Did you start dating someone while you were in your anti-Hufflepuff mood?" Anthony questioned.

"She wasn't in an Anti-Hufflepuff mood, she was in an anti-me mood and for good reason!" Annie spat at Anthony before turning to her fellow beater, "And if you know what good for you, you will forget you ever heard the name Gabriel."

"Geez okay."

"I feel like I should get to know the secret since you spit on me." Cedric said sourly as we wiped his face.

"Too bad it was Annie who spit on you and it's my secret." I jested.

"You two are practically the same person." He laughed back, "So your argument isn't great."

Annie stood up and motioned towards the doors. I nodded as I stood and we walked out together. We took a lap around the lake and I filled her in on everything that happened with Katie the previous night.

"Merlin's beard, hasn't she been in the bloke's class this whole year? You'd think she'd know he wouldn't do that. He's the best defense teacher we've ever had."

I grinned at her, "You think so?"

"Ya, everyone does."

"He'll be happy to hear that."

"Oh well don't tell him I said it. It will totally ruin the vibe we have going on."

"What vibe do you have going on with Remus?" I giggled.

"You know, it's a mutual respect but also he's a little afraid of me cause I'm your best friend."

"Is that so?" A large grin spread across my face at the thought of my werewolf boyfriend being afraid of the tiny Hufflepuff next to me.

"Mhmm, he knows I'll call him out on his shit too."  She said confidently, but I shot her a look and she quickly corrected herself, "I mean, he knows I'll call him out on his shit if you say it's okay first. Otherwise I'll stay out of your relationship cause of the mutual respect thing I mentioned."

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