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I stood in front of the cabin. I told myself I wouldn't come here. But I had only been home for a day when I found myself standing in front of his door.

I didn't think I could bear waiting to see if my knock was to be answered or not. "Alohomora," I whispered before letting myself in, closing the door slowly behind me.

"Remus?" I called. He had to be here, there was a candle burning in the small kitchen that looked like it had just been lit.

I called again before feeling the hard point of a wand on my back. "What are you doing here?"

I knew that voice, but it didn't belong to Remus. "Sirius?" I asked as I spun around to face him.

He lowered his wand slowly, "Pirate girl?"

"Vivian." I sighed, slightly annoyed. "Is Remus here?"


"Then what are you doing here?"

"Well I came looking for Remus, but he wasn't here so I decided to hide here for a bit to see if he'd be coming back. Planning on leaving today though, doesn't seem like he'll be here anytime soon."

"Have you talked to him at all since the full moon?"

"No," He said, his voice rough. "Pettigrew got away, and I had to flee with Buckbeak."

"Hagrid's hippogriff?"

He just nodded.

I looked him up and down. He was much cleaner now than he had been the last time I had seen him. It looked like he had showered and brushed his teeth and hair. He was wearing some of Remus's clothes, looking rather out of place in jeans and a jumper.

"Remus was fired from Hogwarts."

"Not surprising, there's a curse on that position. No ones ever kept the job for more than a year." His voice had a cavalier town that annoyed me.

"And he thinks he attacked me." I said pointedly.

"Well he didn't, which was weird. I'll have to ask him about that if I remember next time I see him."

"When will that be?" I said, perhaps too eagerly.

"I don't know. Like I said I'm leaving. Going on the lam." He walked away from me as he spoke, heading to the kitchen and picking up what looked like a peanut butter sandwich.

"Where are you going?"

"Probably a beach somewhere, figure if I have to be on the run I might as well make the most of it." He turned, taking a bit of the sandwich and leaning against the small countertop.

I debated a few things in my head before declaring, "That sounds great. I'm going with you."

He nearly choked on his sandwich. "What? No, you are not."

"Yes, I am." I said definitively. "I don't really have a lot of prospects right now and the beach sounds nice."

"Sorry Captain, I don't take hitchhikers."

"Alright look, Dumbledore sent a letter to all of the parents, saying that Professor Remus Lupin had been fired, since apparently some people were concerned about a werewolf teacher. My parents only know the name Remus Lupin because they knew I was dating him. Obviously they put two and two together and now they are pissed at me."

He took another bite of his sandwich, talking before he swallowed, "Are you expecting sympathy from me because your parents are mad at you? Cause I just spent twelve years locked up in literal hell."

"I don't want your sympathy. I want a ride."

"I'm not going to help you run away from your parents."

"That's not it." I smirked sarcastically, "They are also pissed because I took a job in the wizarding world. But coincidentally I got kicked out of the Auror program because Madam Pomfrey told them I can't work for six months while I recover. Which I only need to do in the first place because of you! And on top of that, the love of my life dumped me with a note while I was unconscious! Either because he thinks he attacked me when he was a werewolf or because he really doesn't fucking love me anymore. So will you please just let me come with you to the damn beach!"

He scrunched his face up, "Moony broke up with you?"

"Remus, broke up with me." I corrected.

He waved his hand dismissively. "Same thing. You still can't come."

I sighed, "You just spent twelve years locked up with almost no human contact. Do you really want to go on the run with only a hippogriff for company or would you rather have another human being to talk to?"

He seemed to debate this for a moment before tossing his sandwich back onto the counter, "Alright, fine. You can come."

A girlish squeal escaped from my lips and I ran over to hug Sirius, "Thank you!"

"Alright, no. None of that, no hugging." He said, pushing me away. "Go home, get your stuff and come back."

I couldn't help but laugh, "Do you think I'm stupid? If I leave now you are just going to fly off without me."

"Well I was, guess I'm not going to now." He sighed, "Alright, guess I'll introduce you to Buckbeak. Come on' he's in the bedroom."

An hour later we were flying off into the night sky.





Fire Whiskey in the Moonlight (Remus Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now