Chapter Six: The Trouble with Exs

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The first few weeks of classes passed rather uneventfully. Remus ignored me in class and around the castle and I tried my hardest to ignore him. It was hard to fathom that our two-week whirlwind romance had left such a mark on me. It was equally difficult to believe that the ghost of the relationship that had ended months ago with Tyler seemed to be invading my everyday life.

I wasn't sure if Eric and Katie just wanted us to be friends, if they wanted us back together or if Katie was using the opportunity to see if Eric reciprocated her four-year-old crush on him, but neither of them made any attempt to protest against Tyler sitting next to me in Every. Single. Class. My only salvation was in Ancient Runes because Annie wouldn't let him anywhere near me.

I had been hopeful that maybe Tyler and I could be friends again, but the endless flirting, and name-calling, and asking me out constantly, made that seem very unlikely. But nothing was worse than when he would try flirting with me in Defense Against the Dark Arts. I was sure that after seeing us together the first day of classes Remus thought that I had been with Tyler when we had met.

My suspicions were confirmed every time Tyler walked into class behind me and said "Hey cutie," or "Sup' babe?" as he sat down. I could see the look on Remus's face, even though he tried to conceal it. I wanted to believe that his expressions towards Tyler and I were proof that the things he said to me the first day of class were lies, but whenever he called me "Ms.Perkins" or failed to smile at me in the hallways a bit of that hope would die.

The days flew by, and before I knew it it was already October. I slumped out of bed, knowing that  I had to start the day with DADA and that even after I was done dealing with Remus I'd still have a day full of Tyler James. I threw my hair up into a ponytail, and slipped on my skirt and shirt. I didn't have the energy to mess around with my tie today so I just grabbed a pair of my robes and headed out the door.

I walked into the Great Hall for breakfast and headed over to the Hufflepuff table to sit with Annie.

"You look rotten." She laughed as I sat down.

"Gee, thanks."

"Did you get any sleep last night?"

"Ya, I just don't want to do today. I honestly don't think I can make it through another day without strangling Tyler."

"A curse would be more effective."

I groaned as I plopped my head down on the table next to the platter of scrambled eggs.


I was one of the first students to walk into Defense Against the Dark Arts, my negative mood apparent on my face. I looked over my notes from last class as the rest of the class filed in.

"I missed you at breakfast Viv, you ran away to the Hufflepuffs."

"Only 'cause I know you're scared of Annie," I said snarkily.

"Don't be like that, come on, how much more do I have to do to get you to forgive me?"

I sighed, "Fine, Tyler I forgive you. Now please stop talking."

Before he could speak Remus walked out of his office to his desk in the classroom, his eyes glaring at Tyler's form leaning over me.

"Ah, Mr. James, I'm glad to see you are already standing. You can be the first to pick your new seat."

"I'm fine here Professor," he smiled, oozing with fake charm.

"That may be so but I'm afraid everyone will have to find a new seat. From here on out I would like everyone sitting with someone from a different house. A Ravenclaw and a Gryffindor at each desk. Once you graduate you won't just be hanging out with people from your house, you'll be working, hanging out, and maybe even dating people who might not have even gone to school here. So I thought today was a great day to start breaking down superficial barriers."

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