Chapter Twenty-Four: Tag Along

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Two weeks went by and I had only been able to visit Remus once. Everyday from breakfast until we said goodnight in the common room, Tyler was by my side. I couldn't figure out why though, he was hardly flirting with me and it definitely didn't seem like he was trying to get me back. In the library he just did his homework and read books on potions. Outside of there we just hung out, like friends. I felt guilty for being upset about this, I had wanted Tyler and I to go back to how things were before we dated and now things were finally close to being normal and I was more annoyed than ever! I was hardly seeing Remus, Merlin, I couldn't even talk to him after class because Tyler was always waiting for me.

One night after dinner I was finally able to shake him. I made sure to walk slowly so that I was slightly behind Eric, Tyler, and Katie as we made our way out of the Great Hall. Tyler turned to head towards the library as usual, pausing less than halfway down the hallway as he realized I wasn't following him.

"Hurry up Viv, or all the tables away from Madam Pince will be taken."

"I'm all caught up on work so I'm going to skip the library tonight." I called to him as I caught up to Eric and Katie.

Tyler began to turn back, "Oh alright I'l-"

"You go ahead though, I don't want to mess up your study schedule." I blurted out before he could finish his sentence.

He stood in the hallway looking lost, not knowing if he should continue to the library without me or turn and head back towards our group.

"Better hurry up," I called, "Like you said, you don't want to get stuck next to Pince."

Tyler gave a rather half-hearted laugh before continuing down towards the library.

"So we get you for the night?" Katie asked, excitedly.

"Afraid not, a girl in my Ancient Runes class invited me to hang out with her and some of the other Ravenclaws tonight, so I'm headed over there."

"You're going to go hang out with the Ravenclaws?" Eric asked skeptically.

"I can't hold the actions of one girl against the whole house, forever, can I? Besides I was promised that that specific Ravenclaw wouldn't be around tonight."

Katie raised her eyebrows at me, "Where will she be?"

"Don't know, don't care" I shrugged, "See you guys later."

Before heading to Remus's office I walked up to the Ravenclaw tower, just in case Eric and Katie decided to stroll around the castle before going to the common room.

When I arrived at his office, I knocked on the door but no one answered. I knocked louder but there was still no sounds from inside the office. 'Maybe he's not back from dinner yet,' I thought as I reached for the doorknob. To my suprise, his office door was locked; a rare occurence for Remus, unless I was already visiting. I decided to try his classroom door, on the off chance that he was down there. This time when I knocked, I received a response.

"Just a moment!" The familia deep voice of my boyfriend called.

I only waited a few seconds before the door swung open and Remus's eyes met mine.

"Ah Ms. Perkins! What can I do for you this evening?"

I tried to peer into his classroom, someone had to be with him since he had chosen to call me Ms. Perkins, but I couldn't see anyone with Remus's robes covering most of the door frame.

"Um, I just had a few questions about next week's assignment, but if you are busy I can come back later." I stumbled out, not having been prepared for playing professional.

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