Chapter Twenty-Five: The Match

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When I woke up the next morning, I couldn't help but smile. Today was about Gryffindor, and having fun with my friends. This was one of the last Quidditch matches during my time at Hogwarts and I wasn't going to let anything bring me down.

Katie and the rest of the girls in my dorm were already up and getting ready, all putting pigtail braids into their hair.

"Hey there, sleepyhead. We didn't want to wake you until one of us was free to do your hair, we all know you suck at braiding."

"Shove off," I laughed sitting down next to my friends. "We are all doing our hair like this, why?"

"Courtney found a spell that will temporarily dye our hair. We are each doing one braid crimson and one gold."

"You're sure this won't royally mess up my hair," I said looking at Courtney.

"It's totally safe, some of the Ravenclaws are doing it to their hair too, different colors of course."

"What are the odds Tyler would let us do this to his hair?" Katie laughed.

"It's definitely long enough, and he will definitely agree to it if Vivian asks him." Courtney giggled.

I rolled my eyes but agreed, it would be well worth it to see Tyler's long locks combed and braided to match all of the girls.

I ran down to the common room to see if any of the Gryffindor boys were up and willing to go wake Tyler for me. To my surprise both Eric and Tyler were already up and ready to go.

"Am I dreaming? Are you two really ready before me?"

"The Quidditch players always eat all of the good breakfast foods on game day, we want to make sure we get some bacon." Eric complained.

"You do know it's a magical feast right? The bacon will refill."

"But the first batch of bacon is always the best. The house elves put more love in to it."

"Ok sure." I turned my attention, "Tyler, what are the chances I could persuade you to let Katie, Courtney and I do your hair for today's match?"

"Hmm I don't know Viv, it sounds like it would make me miss out on first batch bacon."

"I promise I will make it up to!"

"Fine." He said, and Eric burst into laughter.

"Wow, Ty. Really putting up a fight."

An hour later we were all down in the great hall, enjoying third-batch bacon (which tasted exactly the same as any other bacon),  and laughing at our matching hair. I peered up at Remus, but he wasn't look in my direction.

The Quidditch team filed out and we all gave them high fives on their way. The whole house was a buzz, talking about how Harry would perform on his new broom, and how we prayed it was fast enough for him to get away from the dementors should they encroach again.


Cho Chang was Ravenclaw's new seeker but she didn't stand a chance against Harry and the firebolt. Everyone already knew Harry was a great seeker and an even better flyer but damn, was he amazing on the firebolt!

Gryffindor was always a powerful cheering force at Quidditch matches but after what happened at the last match we came out in full force. Everyone was sporting house colors, either on their face, with extra apparel or in the case of my friends, in our hair.

Katie Bell scored the first goal of the match and we went wild! Everyone was screaming and jumping! Right after the goal Harry saw the snitch and the firebolt dove towards the ground.

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