Chapter Ten: Hogsmeade

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Vivan's POV

I woke up Saturday morning, thrilled that it was finally the weekend, finally a day I could spend relaxing and ignoring all my responsibilities and troubles.

My bliss lasted only a few moments before I remembered that today was the first Hogsmeade trip of the semester and therefore my date with Tyler. I had been dreading this all week; in the moment it seemed like a good idea but after my meeting with Remus at the Viaduct I no longer saw the point in trying to make him jealous. All he cared about was making sure that no one in his life knew that I existed. It was time I moved on, but the last person I wanted to do that with was Tyler.

Nonetheless, I got up and took a shower, fishtailing my hair and putting on makeup once I got out. I slipped on a pair of tight jeans, and a plain black t-shirt, covered mostly by my gray Gryffindor sweater. It was surprisingly warm for the end of October, so I had no need for anything heavier than the sweater.

Tyler and I had planned to walk down with Katie and Eric, splitting up once we got to the village. However, when I made it down to the entrance hall, Ty was the only one waiting to greet me.

"The other two went on ahead, I think they may be more excited about this date then us." He laughed, happy as could be on this beautiful fall day. We walked down to the village, discussing classes and sharing our predictions for the upcoming quidditch match between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor (obviously we both predicted that Gryffindor would win, but we disagreed on when we thought Harry would catch the snitch).

As we approached Hogsmeade, Tyler changed the subject to the upcoming day. "So any specific places you need to stop at while we are here? Do you have your costume for your muggle-themed party tonight?"

I couldn't help but laugh, "It's not muggle themed, it's Halloween themed. It's just more of a muggle Halloween party than a wizarding Halloween party. Anyway, I don't even know if I'm going to go." I sighed.

Annie and I hadn't spoken to each other since the day she talked to Remus. I had been avoiding her because I knew when we finally did talk we would end up having a fight. The Halloween party I attended every year was hosted by Hufflepuffs and I knew Annie would be there, as we went together every year for the last six years. I didn't want to ruin my last Halloween at school by fighting with her so I was debating skipping the party entirely.

"I'd love to have you at the feast with us but I think you should get a costume just in case. If you don't end up wearing it you can always bring it back next time."

I raised an eyebrow, "You're being strangely supportive."

"I may have the alter motive of wanting to see you try on the different costumes." He chuckled, winking at me.


"Well, you aren't going to get to see me try much on," I sighed as I looked at the two costumes available in Gladrags Wizardwear. They consisted of a child's dragon outfit and a set of Chudley Cannons quidditch robes. "Maybe I shouldn't go after all."

"We both have our apparating licenses, no one would know if we just popped over to London quickly to get you a better costume," Tyler whispered.

I glanced at him, trying and failing to contain my shock, "You want to go to a muggle store?"

"If it means you will have a better night tonight then ya, why not?"

I agreed and within a few seconds, the loud city noises that accompanied the chaotic Picadilly Circus of Muggle London surrounded us.

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