Chapter Twenty-Six: Break In

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I was woken up later that evening by the sound of shouting in the common room. My roommates had woken up as well and we all exchanged confused glances. Katie was the first one up, throwing on her dressing gown. I immediately followed suit and we made our way downstairs.

"Ask him!" Ron said as we walked in. He was pointing a shaking finger at Sir Cadogan's picture, which had taken the Fat Lady's place in the portrait hole early in the school year.

McGonagall was standing in the common room, in her own dressing gown. She marched towards the portitat hole angirly and Eric made his way over to us.

"What's going on?" I whispered to him.

"Ron Weasly says that Sirius Black was in his room holding a knife over him."


"Sir Cadogan, did you just let a man enter Gryffindor tower?" We heard McGongall ask.

"Certainly, good lady!"

The professor starred at the painting in disbelief as a heavy tension settled amongst all of us inside the room.

"You-you did?" She gasped, "But the password-"

"He had 'em! Had the whole week's mi'lady! Read 'em off a little piece of paper."

McGonagall pulled herself back through the portrait hole, her face was as white as chalk.

"Which person," she said, her voice shaking, "which abysmallyfoolish person wrote down this week's passwords and left them lying around?"

Everyone looked at each other, but to no one's surprise, it was Neville Longbottom who raised his hand.

Dumbledore arrived shortly after, and the professors went off to begin the search of the castle. No one in Gryffindor slept, the entire house stayed up in the common room, waiting to hear if Black had been caught.

Or at least, everyone tried to stay awake. Several of the older students who had awoken to the commotion were still drunk from the victory party only a few hours before. Tyler was asleep on Eric's shoulder, and Eric was asleep on Katie's.

"Are you alright? This must have you really shaken considering what happened last time he was in the castle." She asked.

"Ya, I'm okay." I smiled.

"Where did you and Tyler go off to earlier?"

"Down to the kitchens for bacon, we didn't end up getting any though."

"Oh, why not?"

"Because he kissed me, twice."

"What?" She asked, her eyes growing wide.

"I pushed him away both times, but he thought I was still in love with him."

"That's men for you. I mean any idiot with eyes knows that you are interested in someone else."

I laughed, "Oh yeah, and who would that be?"

"Professor Lupin, obviously." She shrugged.

"What? Why would you think that?" I tried to speak calmly despite the panic that had begun coursing through me.

"Viv, come on, I know you have a crush on him. I catch you staring at him in class all the time."

"I'm not staring at him, I'm just listening to the lesson."

"Listening with doe eyes?"

"I don't have doe eyes."

"Not unless you're in Defense Against the Dark Arts. But whenever you see him like, out and about, I don't know. It's hard to put into words, it's like your whole vibe changes. Sometimes it's like his does too."

"Are you sure you don't have a thing for him and you're just projecting?" I asked, still trying to play it cool. If she had noticed this, have other people.

"Vivian! I have a boyfriend!"

"So do I!"

Her mouth dropped open, "What did you just say?"

I cursed myself mentally for blurting that out without thinking of a story first. Before I could speak, words started rushing out of Katie's mouth at a million kilometers an hour.

"Merlin's beard! I knew you weren't going to hang out with the Ravenclaws the other day! Who is it?! Why haven't you told me!? Is it because of Tyler?"

"Yes," I decided Tyler was a good excuse, and it would fit well with what happened earlier. "I haven't known how to tell him, and I let something slip tonight after he kissed me."

"What did he say?"

"Nothing, he just ran off."

"You could have told me! I would have kept it a secret!"

"Even from Eric?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Fair point," She laughed lightly.

"Besides, I don't really want a lot of people knowing. Honestly I don't want anyone knowing yet." I added, hoping it would keep her from gossiping.

"Why?" Her mouth dropped, "He's a Slytherin, isn't he?"

I raised my eyebrows, I guess that made sense, our houses do hate each other. "Ya, he is," I sighed.

"Gross Vivian, I get why you aren't telling people."

"I haven't been able to see my boyfriend in so long! I was using the library as an excuse but now that Tyler is going with me all the time..." I trailed off.

"I doubt that will be an issue now, I'm sure he's heartbroken." She said, glancing over at the sleeping boy. "I'm kind of bummed I was wrong about Professor Lupin, I really thought I nailed that."

I laughed trying not to seem nervous.

"Alright, I want details! Tell me absolutely everything!"

"I'll tell you later, let's try to get some sleep for now." I smiled, as she was tired enough to accept this.


I had done my best to avoid Katie and Tyler, not ready yet to give details about the Slytherin relationship I had fabricated. Tyler wasn't too hard to keep away from, it was Katie who was the problem. She definitely knew that I was avoiding her and I felt bad but I didn't want to say anymore until I had talked to Remus. I hadn't seen him since the break-in. Security around the castle had been doubled and it was even harder to sneak off to see him. I hadn't even been able to ask how he was after Black was in Harry's dorm or even tell him that I loved him.

Annie and I hadn't had the chance to talk yet, but I really wanted to. With how things have been betweens us the last few months, I was ready for it to be done. But I couldn't seem to find a time to talk to her...that's not true. I was avoiding her too, too nervous about the conversation we needed to have to actually have it.

Everyone in the castle had come to the same conclusion - Black had been after Harry but had gone to the wrong bed by mistake. This was pretty much Remus's biggest fear, that Black would come back to finish what he had started twelve years ago. I was dying to check on him.

A few days after the incident, I decided to try to talk to him after class. I waited for the other students to leave, and saw Remus smile widely as I walked up to his desk.

"Hello Ms.Perkins."

"Hello Professor, how are you doing?"

"I could be better." He stood up and walked around his desk towards me, lowering his voice.

"I'm sorry I haven't checked in on you sooner. I've really wanted to."

"We can talk about it later." He whispered as his next class was already starting to come in.

"This weekend, when everyone is at Hogsmeade I'll try to come see you."

He smiled and nodded, and I left before the rest of the second years could come in.

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