Chapter Two: A Bet's A Bet

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I had been looking forward to tonight all week, finally, I would get to see Remus again. After we met at the pub on Tuesday I couldn't get him off of my mind. He was so interesting to talk to, and when I looked in his eyes I ached to know what they had seen, to hear all of his stories. Even his appearance was interesting to me, he wasn't what one might classically define as handsome, his features were rough and there were several scars across his face, but I couldn't stop picturing him when I closed my eyes.

I sat in front of my mirror wondering what he had thought when he met me, fresh out of work with my hair up in a messy bun and mascara smudged under my eyes. He had liked me enough to ask me out so I guess I hadn't looked too disheveled. For tonight's meeting, I had decided to curl my hair and long dark ringlets hung off my shoulders accompanied with golden eyeshadow to make my brown eyes pop against my plump pink lips. Of course, I couldn't look like I was trying too hard so I had carefully selected a pair of classic mom jeans and a Stone Roses crop top before heading out the door.

When I got to the pub I saw Remus sitting at the same table as before, nervously twiddling his thumbs. I couldn't help to feel calmer, knowing that he was just as anxious about this as I was.

"Hey stranger," I called as I walked up to him. Immediately his expression changed, his excitement showing through his eyes.

"Hello Vivian, you look lovely."

"Thanks," I giggled, "You aren't too shabby yourself."

Remus hesitated before speaking again "I know this is going to make me seem so old but who on Earth are The Stone Roses?"

My mouth dropped as I sat down, "The Stone Roses are only the most brilliant rock band this side of the Atlantic!" I laughed, "For a half-blood, you really know nothing about the muggle world."

"That's not true! I know plenty about muggles and their goings-on!"

"Oh is that true? All right then sir, how about a little bet?"

He narrowed his eyes, urging me to elaborate.

"I'll ask you some questions about the muggle world, and if you can't answer the majority correctly then you have to drink muggle alcohol for the rest of the night!"

"What if I get most of them right?"

"I'll tell you a secret." I tempted.

He smirked, "That certainly sounds intriguing. Ask away."

"All right, who's the prime minister?"

"Easy, John Major."

"What band is Sting the lead singer of?"

"What kind of name is Sting?"

"The kind that muggle rockstars have."

"I haven't the faintest idea of what band he sings in."

So it went on like this for a while, Remus would get some right and some horribly wrong.

"Ok last question Remus, if you get this one wrong I win," I smirked.

"If I get it right then I win," laughed the wizard.

I rolled my eyes in response, "Alright, who sang the song 'Let's Talk About Sex'?"

Remus blushed at the name of the song, but then to my surprise, he answered, "That would be Salt n Pepe."

My face contorted in fake offense before I burst out in a fit of laughter.

"What's so funny?" Remus grinned as he reached over and gently grasped my hand.

I paused for a moment at the sudden contact before chuckling out a reply "I just cannot believe you know Salt n Pepe but you have never heard of Star Wars!"

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