Chapter Twenty-Seven: Nothing According to Plan

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"Are you sure, Vivian? I feel horrible about going to Hogsmeade without you."

"Please don't feel bad. I'm sure Tyler doesn't want to see me and I am really looking forward to a day with my boyfriend." I had woken up extra early today because I was so excited to finally spend some time with Remus.

"I expect you to tell me who he is soon or I'm going to have to go undercover in the dungeons." She laughed, though she was only half joking.

"I will tell you everything soon, I promise."

"Fine," she said, rolling her eyes and heading downstairs.

I couldn't decide if I wanted to wear jeans or my uniform. I'd be more comfortable in my jeans but if anyone saw me that might look suspicious. It was the weekend though, and I could always wear my robes over them in the hallway. I shrugged, throwing my uniform and another possible outfit on my bed, I'd decide that last. Picking out cute underwear was far more important.

I put on a red checky pair of underwear that I had a bra to match with. I did my hair quickly, throwing the dark mess into a braid, and threw on some makeup. I decided to go with my comfier muggle clothes, slipping on my jeans and heading to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office.


I knocked on the office door before opening it and letting myself in. Remus smiled up at me from his desk, "How are you today?"

"I love you." I blurted out.

A large grin spread across his face, "What?"

"I love you, with every piece of my soul. And I have been bursting waiting to tell you"

He practically jogged over to me, grabbing me and pulling me into a kiss.

I pulled away, grabbing his hand. "I love you Remus Lupin and I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you. I was scared to admit to myself how much I love you because I'm scared of getting hurt.I love you so much that I know if things didn't work out between us I would be shattered. But I trust you, and I want to be with you, and I want you to know that I love you Remus."

He smiled again and then his lips were on mine, and I wanted to remember this feeling forever. I pulled away from him for a moment to look in his eyes. His hand brushed the side of my face, "I have no intention on ever hurting you Vivian."

"I love you." I said again, giggling like an idiot.

"I love you too." His eyes were so bright with joy. It was clear he had been waiting for when I'd finally say it. He kissed me again and when he pulled back we just stood there for a long time, just holding each other, the warm yellow light of his office making the room peaceful.

"There is something else I need to tell you though."

"What is it, love?

"Tyler kissed me, twice."

He pulled back, "Excuse me?" The joy from his eyes was gone and replaced with anger.

"Last night, we were drunk and-"

"Did you kiss him back?"

"No, Remus! I pushed him away both times. And then started to tell him about how in love I was with my boyfriend." I said pointedly, annoyed that he would think I kissed Tyler.

"You told him you had a boyfriend?"

"It slipped out! He asked me if I still loved him and I said that I didn't, that I was in love with someone else."

"And who did you say you were in love with?"

"I didn't give him a name, he ran off. But I told Katie I was dating a Slytherin."

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