Chapter Eleven: Halloween

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A/N: I know in the original story Remus was never in Hogsmeade on Halloween (Staying back with Harry instead), and that Sirius broke in before the Halloween feast could happen, but this is a fanfic so I changed it to better fit my story.

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Once I was back from Hogsmeade I started on my hair and makeup for the party. It was my last Halloween at Hogwarts and I would be damned if I was going to let Tyler ruin it with his cold slug lips. I curled my hair and put on thick black eyeliner in hopes of looking more pirate-y, before slipping on my costume. As I yanked on the long boots my hand slipped causing my leg to kick out and hit my bedside table.

"Damn!" My voice echoed through the empty room. What else could go wrong today?

I put the finishing touches on my costume and headed down to the party, my toe aching while I walked. As I walked down towards the Hufflepuff common room I began to wish that I had picked a less revealing outfit as it was getting rather cold the closer I got to the dungeons. The party was held in the same large room in the dungeons every year since I had been at Hogwarts. Except of course for last year when Nearly Headless Nick had held his 500th Year Deathday Party in that room and we were forced to use a dusty old classroom on the fourth floor.

I could hear the music before I had reached the room, the old classic muggle Halloween tune, The Monster Mash, was playing when I walked in. I walked through the door to see the room adorned with orange and black balloons. All of the lights had a purple tint magically added to them, and the room was filled with students of all ages, from all of the houses (though mostly Hufflepuffs) all dressed up for the party. I scanned the party for some friendly faces, but when I saw Annie standing in the corner with her Quidditch friends, I remembered just how mad I was at her.

I decided to get some punch and candy instead of hashing things out with her, finding some fifth-year Gryffindors to talk to. After a few minutes, we were interrupted by the very person I was trying to avoid.

"Viv, can I steal you for a minute?"

I rolled my eyes but followed her nonetheless to an empty table.

"You really weren't even going to say hello to me?" She asked once we were sitting.

"I didn't know if you'd want me to," I said to the table as I refused to meet her eyes.

"Of course I did. How did it go with Tyler today?"

"It started off really well, but of course Tyler was only concerned about himself, so it ended pretty poorly." I sneered.

"I'm sorry I was right, I was hoping maybe he had changed."

"Nope, he is still as careless and shitty as last year."

"I'm sorry for storming off the other day."

"Don't be, I wasn't exactly responding well to what you were saying, even though it was all true," I assured her.

"Let's just forget about Tyler James tonight and focus on having a good time together." She said reaching over and grabbing my hand.

For the first time in the conversation I forced myself to look up at her, "That's it? That's all you wanted to talk about?"

I could see it flash through her eyes, the thought that she should bring up her conversation with Remus, maybe even apologize, but it was just a thought because all she replied was, "Ya that was it, I just wanted to make sure you were okay and that we were okay."

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