Chapter Seventeen: The Letter

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I didn't waste a minute getting home, as soon as the train stopped in London I apparated home, my single bag in hand. I appeared moments later outside the dark green door that marked the entrance to my house. I was always nervous about apparating outside of my house in case someone other than my parents were to see me, but apparating inside wasn't an option (as it always scared my parents shitless) and we lived fairly far outside of town so it was rare someone would be out this way this late in the evening.

I knocked on the door and without any pause, it swung open to reveal my beaming mother. She was a short woman with curly blonde hair, the only way to tell we were related was by our noses. Trish was a spitting image of my mum whereas I took after my dad's side of the family. She wrapped her arms tightly around me and I breathed in the familiar, comforting smell of her lilac perfume.

"I'm so glad you're home, I missed you terribly!"

"I missed you too," I giggled slightly at her overzealousness.

I walked into the house, and placed my bag down, noting a strange absence "Where's Dad?"

"He had to work late tonight, there was a three-car pile-up on the a59, so the Emergency Department needed all hands on deck."

"Would it be horrible if I didn't wait up for him? I'm exhausted."

"Go to sleep love, you can see Dad in the morning, he has tomorrow off."

"Alright," I leaned over giving her a quick kiss on the cheek, "Love you, Mum."

"Love you too Viv!" She grinned, pulling me in for another hug, "Oh! I'm going to sleep so well knowing you are home safe and sound in your own bed!"

"You're such a Hufflepuff," I laughed.

"Is that one of those horse things you learned about last year? I think I remember seeing your notes on them."

"Nevermind," my chuckle quickly turned into a yawn as I set my suitcases down by the couch, taking my owl in my room with me. "Goodnight Mum."



I woke up the next morning, slightly surprised when I didn't see the crimson Gryffindor curtains around my bed. Instead, I was greeted by my Rolling Stones poster and the old pink music box that sat broken on my dresser. I stretched against my soft mattress, letting the last lingering bits of sleep float off my body before I got up to get ready. I loved my muggle clothes, robes were so drab. I couldn't help but feel more like myself as I pulled on a pair of faded blue jeans and an oversized sweater.

As I walked out of my bedroom, I could hear my Dad humming in the kitchen which could only mean one thing, he was cooking pancakes! "Hi, Dad!" I said cheerfully as I pulled myself up to sit on the edge of a nearby counter.

"There's my girl!" He smiled, eyes still locked onto the griddle in front of him.

"How was work last night? Mum said you got slammed in the ED."

"It was hectic, but no one died so it was well worth it. We still have two in the ICU, so I might swing by later and check-in."

"I thought you had the day off."

"I do, I won't be there long."

"You're the most dedicated nurse in history."

He laughed as he flipped a pancake.

"Can I come with you? Like I used to when I was little?"

He beamed, "I'd love that Viv."

After a while, my Mum joined us and we all ate breakfast together as a family (which my Mum only mentioned about 12 times during the meal). We cleaned up the mess from Dad cooking and the two of us headed over to the hospital. It was about a thirty-minute drive to get there, plus another ten that Dad spent talking to the parking garage attendant about the latest football game, but as promised he checked on his patents quickly and we were back on the road.

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